
Responses from bill_k

Dynavector XV1's vs XV1't
Current retail on these two cartridges in the US is: XV-1s is $5,250 and the XV-1t is $9,000. 
Nottingham Ace spacedeck motor question
Yes, this is normal when the motor is in the stalled state without the platter turning. Once you get the platter rotating the motor vibration is gone completely. The vibration in the stalled state will not harm the motor, so no worries. Enjoy your... 
Well temp, arm drifts from away from center of rec
I certainly cannot dispute Chashas1's experience, but the arm design has some level of AS force present even at its minimal setting when setup as the manufacturer recommends. Since the arm doesn't have a cueing platform to hold the arm's position ... 
Well temp, arm drifts from away from center of rec
This is normal for the WTA. Even when the set to minimize the AS there is still some force present in the design which will cause the drift that you're experiencing. You always have to release the arm slightly further towards the center when start... 
rega rb300 tonearm lift not working - fixable
Try lowering the lever just past the vertical position and letting it drop on its own with the platform and arm. This usually works; please give it a try and let us know if it resolves your problem. If not the mechanism may need to be replaced or ... 
tonearm mass/cartridge mismatch
The relative weight of the tonearm and cartridge is not the determining factor in resonance. The resulting resonant frequency is determined by the combined effective mass of the arm and cartridge along with the compliance of the cartridge. 
What's better than FIM power cords
Tvad - How would you compare the Teklines to the other cords that you mentioned? You're the first one I've seen to have auditioned the Teklines other than someone who was connected to the company. Thanks! 
new Pure Note Alluvion speaker cables
Anxiously awaiting your impressions on these cables, while their sale is still going on. Thanks in advance for your time and valued opinion! 
Zu 103R + Thorens 124 = Hum
The type of hum that you've experienced isn't caused by any electromagnetic interference and is commonly referred to as acoustic feedback. This can easily be identified by an increase and 'swell' in the hum until you lower the volume control setti... 
Anyone heard of T +A Theory and Application
Details of this preamp from the distributor's site: have no first hand experience with this preamp, just trying to help out my fellow high-end audio junkies. 
Looking for a vinyl Bluebook
I think the Goldmine Record Album Price Guide would suit your needs. I found it at Barnes & Noble (link provided), as well as from numerous other sellers... 
Longer Power Cords Sound better?
Cables have their rated electrical parameters specified per unit length, typically per foot or meter. As such, their level of capacitance (for example) will increase linearly as the length of the cable increases. Therefore depending upon a cable's... 
Phase Inversion in Preamplifer?
The line and phono stages of the Audible Illusions Modulusseries are both phase inverting, but since the phono stageoutput is always routed through the line stage (unless youare using the phono stage only through the tape output) thenet result is ... 
TT set up question
Inner groove distortion can be caused by misalignment of the cartridge or incorrect anti-skating. The alignment and overhang settings should be checked with an appropriate guage that is usually supplied with the tonearm. If you notice that the dis... 
Does anyone know about Sphinx amplifiers?
May Audio appears to be the US distributor for Sphinx.I have no other knowledge or experience with this line,but I thought this would be a good source for details...May Audio