
Responses from bigtee

Vandersteen Quattro review in Stereophile
Not much is actually known at this point. A dealer in NC who seems very up with Vandersteen(long term dealer and knowledgable Vandersteen guru) told me about it. Seems he has come up with some different damping material and possibly a better tweet... 
On a budget 802N or 803D??? Dealer says 803D.
Be careful with the diamonds. If your system and ROOM are not up to snuff, you can be rewarded with some sound you might want to escape. The N line is more forgiving.I also have to ask the question, you want looks or sound? If it is looks then I n... 
contradictory communication
The thing is, anything can add or subtract from the musical content of a recording making it sound warm or lean(components, cables, speakers and even some power conditioning.) My idea is for instruments to sound like instruments provided the recor... 
contradictory communication
I do not agree with the above. You do not have to have HF roll off to have a warm sounding piece of equipment. My idea of warm is more "Full bodied." Most of the time, that warmth is coming from the upper mids and not the high frequency driver.A g... 
Warmer sounding CD Players?
Try an older Sony XA7es cd player(not to be confused with the 777 series-it listed for $3000 and now sales for $800-$1000.) It is the most analogue of any player I have heard while still maintaining a reasonable amount of transparency. It will mak... 
Charleston S.C. vinyl shop recommends
You can find a little vinyl at flea markets and about. Yard sells are another source around about.Charleston is not exactly a huge audio market. There's a couple of audio stores but they generally don't stock much really high end. Read Brothers St... 
Charleston S.C. vinyl shop recommends
I live in Charleston and I really don't know of any place that sells vinyl. Lots of CD's but no vinyl. Most everyone orders on line. Turntables and vinyl are long gone here! 
Chinese Loudspeakers ARE GOOD
I wouldn't doubt the Chinese could build a good product. They've been building a lot of "Ours" for years. With a global economy, what American manufacturer has a piece of equipment that every part in it(of it) was manufactured in the USA? Where do... 
Best interconnects for AYRE gear ?
Ayre recommends Cardas cable and the Golden Reference is a good one. I personally use Audioquest Cheetah with the upgraded 72v DBS. I have found this cable to add less to the overall sound than any cable I have tried. It seems to work well with an... 
Ayre balanced interconnects
Used them both and they sound identical. If they are not GR, then they are the closest thing around! 
Hints on how to sell on A'gon?
It has been my experience that price sells things faster than anything! I have also found posting on the weekends best. Be prepared for "Low ball" offers no matter what the price. It seems in the last year, if you own it, it's worth top dollar and... 
Ayre balanced interconnects
They are the same as Cardas Golden Reference. You can look through and do a search. Ayre sources these and the Ayre Myrtle Wood blocks from Cardas. 
Revel or Vandersteins 3A's /Which is better?
These questions are always impossible to answer. When you ask "Better, better" at what? Something may be better to one person and absolutely suck to the next.I find the Revel F30's kind of bright and not as much bottom. I find the Vandersteen 3A (... 
Aesthetix Calypso vs. Ayre K-5xe
I'll see if I can find it for you. In the meantime, give Aesthetix a call. You'll have to leave your return number and he'll get back to you. That way, the bill we be on them. 
Rhea Noise
Try a different brand of tubes. The originals could be noisy.