
Responses from bigshutterbug

Looking for Better Jitter Reduction in a DAC
I agree with eric_squires and dlcockrum above. Try a Curious USB cable, which gave me the most 3-D soundstage I have heard from USB cables, as well as a rich, full bodied sound with no edge on top. I use it on my Brooklyn DAC, which is also never ... 
Recommend amplifier ref 3a mm decapo
I've had 4 different pairs of Reference 3A's, the first three were de Capo i's, and now my current 3A Episodes. They are not fussy at all about amps, and sound great for me with everything from small 3 w.p.c. battery powered Tripath amps, Peter Da... 
This might be the Passive Preamp im looking for
For the same price, you may want to look into a Tortuga Audio LDR based passive pre-amp, especially if you tend to listen a lot at lower output levels. The one you mentioned uses a very simple Alps Blue Velvet attenuator, which has been around for... 
Which personal confuser for ultra high end audio, MAC, PC, notebook, tablet or desktop?
Jim:Since you already have a Synology NAS drive, I would suggest you purchase a Sonore Microrendu , and let it do all the music workflow between your NAS drive, DAC and computer. With it in place, your music files will no longer run through your c... 
A fantastic all around speaker. Very easy to drive, even with low powered tube or solid state amps. I have owned 3 different versions of them over the years, and eventually moved up to the floorstanding Reference 3A Episodes. The BE version is sli... 
Synergestic Research: SCAM
Pretty harsh post to put out there just because your ears could not hear an improvement.  I took a look at you other posts that you have started here on Audiogon, and found that they were all just as negative. You also recently posted a similar pi... 
What experience have you had with 5814a Tubes?
You may also want to try a set of CBS or Hytron shiny black plate 5814s from the late 50's and early 60's. One of my all around favorite U.S. made 12AU7 variants.  
Speakers to pair with the Ars Sonum Filarmonia tube amp?
There is a fantastic deal on a pair of the newest Reference 3A Episodes on Audiogon right now, with FREE shipping. They would be a great match for that amp. An easy 8 ohm load and 92db/watt/meter efficiency. I already have a pair that I have been ... 
How many CaryAudio techs does it take to replace a lightbulb in a CAD-211FE?
I had a similar problem with Cary service with one of their CD players. I had to ship it to them for an estimate, and when they got it, they told me the entire board needed to be replaced.  The estimate for the repair and labor was higher than the... 
Euphoria High End speakers - RDacoustic
This is a discussion forum. Not the right place to advertise your speakers. 
High End Ethernet Cables ....Real Deal or Snake Oil
Most audiophiles I know have heard differences, but will refuse to respond to posts like this, because they are tired of having to "defend" themselves from the naysayers out there. They don't want to get into a dreaded, drawn out argument of their... 
12 ft pair of thick speakers cables?? Can they be cut downt to a 6 ft pair??
I agree with Doug in his response "A zillion conductors with individual dielectric"....FAR too many tiny conductors to clean off, the bunch together and crimp or solder to connectors on both (2) sets of cables. Not to mention that you will need to... 
1st speaker considerations: Odyssey Lorelei, Meadowlark Shearwater, Spatial M3 Turbo S
I have owned the Odyssey Lorelei speakers in the past, and found them to be very strong in the bass, with a very full bodied midrange. The highs, however, were quite recessed and lacking in energy....Certainly "non-fatiguing", but not balanced eit... 
KT150 Tube Matching
I would not be so worried about getting new output tubes that supposedly come closely matched. When you set the bias for the tubes in your amp, you are in a sense "matching" the output for all the tubes yourself. Autobias amps do it for you automa... 
Best DIY silver solder?
I agree with the above post....Don't solder, CRIMP, and heat shrink them. Check out the Furez line of pure copper spades and bananas, which can be re-used on different wires you may be experimenting with. They use hex keys to tighten down to the w...