
Responses from bigshutterbug

12AU7 for DeHavilland 50A Amplifier
I have tried just about every 12AU7 variation out there, and the best match to bring about the qualities of dynamics, transient attack, detail and energy would be the Amperex 7316. More lively than the Amperex 12au7 you are using now, with even be... 
Hum in speakers
Are you using an integrated amp or an amp/pre-amp combo? If it is an amp/pre combo, try unplugging the pair of input cables from your pre-amp to the amp, (AFTER turning the amp off first)  and see if the hum stops. If it does, then the hum is comi... 
Ayon Triton III — KT88 BTSX Tubes? Tube sources?
I agree with thuhaile in the response above. The dealer for Ayon is going to try to push you into buying their "fancy" BTSX tubes, which are WAY more money than the standard, affordable Black Treasures. There is a trustworthy seller on E-Bay (Hans... 
Ayon Triton III a real upgrade considering the price?
I own an Ayon Spirit II amp that I have been very happy with, and when the Spirit III came out, decided to "upgrade" to it a few years later. Fortunately, I kept the Spirit II, for I found it to actually sound better all around than the newer Spir... 
Amphion Pro Line
There is a very positive review on the Amphion One18 on 6Moons. I have not heard them yet, but have enjoyed the Amphion Heliums I once had. Fast, detailed and un-colored.  
Ayon measurements
Some of the best sounding (and best built) tube amps I have heard do not measure well. Specs probably have little to do with how happy you will be with it. You have probably heard the saying "If it measures well and sounds terrible, it IS terrible... 
HFTs or more fuses
If you do not have a well treated room, go for the HFT's first. They make the biggest improvements in rooms that have sonic issues.  
Abacus Passive LDR
I have owned the same Abacus LDR for over a year now, and really enjoy mine when not using my integrated amp. I have also owned Lightspeeds, Bent Tap-X and Warpspeed LDRs. The Abacus sounded very close to the Tap-X, and better than the Warpspeed. ... 
Has Audiogon Been Hacked?
I received that e-mail as well, and did not respond of course. you have any comment on the matter? Please let us know what is going on. 
Best speakers for $3000
I second the Legacy Focus HD for your taste in music. No subwoofer needed, very efficient, lots of slam and energy. 
Both, in the case you stated. 
Swiss amps. Worth the price?
Don't forget the affordable and great sounding Swiss JOB amp from Goldmund. They are well worth the price. 
desktop speakers for low watt tube integrate
I would not be too concerned about efficiency if you are sitting that close to them, unless you tend to listen at very loud levels. Dulcet BE or KEF LS50 would be a safe bet for nearfield, and both are fairly small. 
Do you Bi-Wire, if you can?
I have found that bi-wire runs of speaker cables tend to be more critical on some speaker designs than others. The speakers I am using currently (Reference 3A Episodes) Have the bi-wire option, and they sounded much better when Bi-wired with the s... 
Battery power for Trends 10.1
Sounds like the perfect candidate for a simple, affordable 12 volt solar panel charger and a small, (appox. $18) 7.5 amp SLA battery. That amp is extremely efficient, and could run for many days off the 7.5 amp battery. You can get a nice 12V weat...