
Responses from bigkidz

When Did Your System Disappear?
Not surprised that this happened when you upgraded power supplies.  But simply adding an AC filter choke also will help in that area.  Better capacitors and resistors will also help a system disappear. Much cheaper than cables, and all the other t... 
seeking recommendations for a preamp
Basic preamp that sound warm and musical - Prima Luna Prologue - used around $1700Counterpoint SA-2000 or SA-3000 if you want a phono section - send to me for complete upgrades about $850.6SN7 DeHavilland - send to me for upgrades - about the same... 
How far away from your speakers are you?
There are formulas for speaker placement.  I thing audience or audio physics has this information on their website.Happy Listening. 
audiophiles who are just getting the itch to upgrade
Plenty of simple things to do:1) with the modifications already performed was an AC filter choke added to any component?2) the CV181 tubes are nice tubes but I would try something different.  I swapped mine out for tung-sol 6SN7 black glass round ... 
10 Audio Cable Myths and Facts
For what it is worth, I found this the other day on the Audio Note website.  see the link and you can sort through this link for more info: CO... 
Short List of Amps I prefer over the Pass Labs XA25 or INT 25
@cal3713  google search me and contact me through the contact page  vujadeaudioPeter 
Short List of Amps I prefer over the Pass Labs XA25 or INT 25
IMO the First Watt amps are nothing special.  I have heard four of the upgrades so far.  I built a FW amp using better parts and point-to-point wiring that was much better in every area.  Cost me about $500 in parts, etc.As for Luxman products (wh... 
KR Audio repair
pm me from audiogon or use my contact page google search vujadeaudio 
Power Conditioner: Isotek, Audioquest or other?
I don't own the AQ Niagara but bought a few for three friends.  Heard the first one in my buddies system Klipish Horns and the noise floor dropped creating a very overall sweet sound, nothing harsh, blacker background, more details, very noise fre... 
Demo'ing Class A amps, Appreciation Suggestions from those who recently been there
First Watt amps to my ears are nothing special.  Built a class A amp following the First Watt design but point-to-point wired and used a few better parts and that easily beats the First Watt.Happy Listening 
sealed 3-ways
I have one grill for Alon V MKII speakers that I no longer need and want to sell if anyone is interested. Contact me.  
Outboard crossover box location??
I have one grill for Alon V MKII speakers that I no longer need and want to sell if anyone is interested. Contact me.  
alon model 5 mk 2
I have one grill for Alon V MKII speakers that I no longer need and want to sell if anyone is interested. Contact me.  
Prima Luna Prologue 6 & 7
I have one grill for Alon V MKII speakers that I no longer need and want to sell if anyone is interested. Contact me.  
Starter SACD setup, ideal speakers ?
I have one grill for Alon V MKII speakers that I no longer need and want to sell if anyone is interested. Contact me.