
Responses from bigkidz

Traveling to Mentor Ohio - anyone close by??
Yes already traveled there.  peter 
Most Musical 6NS7 tube for a Preamp?
@ozzy62. Your assessment of the deHavilland is correct that why it requires the changes I mentioned above. Just adding audio note resistors will change all that around $60 for the two non-magnetic or over $100 for the silver versions.  Add some ni... 
Most Musical 6NS7 tube for a Preamp?
Out of the 6SN7 preamps above in your price range the deHavilland would be an excellent choice once modified.  How do I know, I have repaired and modified most of them.  In the deHavilland a toridal transformer replaced the original, V-Capacitors ... 
I think it’s completely overwhelming...
Not to be a prick but why do I want to stick with companies with a proven track record?  Who are those and are they better than other companies in what ways?To me most of the long term names make similar products and the parts quality is pure junk... 
Is there such a thing as too much power?
already mentioned above but worth repeating - watts has nothing to do with sound quality.  Class A, A/B, Class D all sound different for a reason. 
Who's Gone Topless?
Not exactly sure what Huge means?  What areas sounded better?  By huge twice as good?  Please let us know.  I am not doubting you just trying to understand what and where.Why don't manufacturers just make it right the first time - that is easy, it... 
Speaker Rebuild
Contact Bill Legal at Miller Sound in PA  see if he does them if so then send them to him.  He is the best that I know of and a decent person both him and hiswife.Happy Listening. 
My Demo results: I feel like I'm at a frustrating block in my speaker journey
Back in the day Sony made a bookshelf speaker model ??? Something like ss-a3r or ar3 I forget.  The dome of the tweeter was an organic substance grown in a lab.   Till this day it is one of the best sounding bookshelf speakers I have ever heard.... 
Time for the Dynaco to go, Affordable Integrated or Separates for Wilson's Under $2.5K?
I am like the idea of VTL, Mcintosh, Rogue, Hegel, and AR.  Scrap all of these unless you prefer the McIntosh sound.  Find a nice Luxman and be happy. 
High Output Preamp for First Watt SIT-3?
An easy and cheap way to try would be a Counterpoint SA-3000 preamp.  Muscial, can be upgraded to sound as good as mostly anything out there, has a phono and very good in stock form.  Buy one cheap and take a listen.  Easy to resell if not but if ... 
Dump the PS Audio IMO! 
Pass X150.5 or Odyssey Stratos monos?
My buddy had the  Stratos amps for many years.  I brought over a Luxkit Class A amp that simply crushed it in very way.  He sold it the next day.  I'd would without any thought go with the Pass not even close.Happy Listening. 
Decent preamp
Second recommendation would be the DeHavilland preamp but again send it to me to upgrade.  Happy Listening. 
How does the Phase Linear 400 compare?
I have to laugh. I found my old Phase Linear 2000 preamp I purchased when I was in college for $236.  I saw the prices on eBay and said why no sell it, but I had to test it first.  Plugged it i and laughed at how good it sounded versus what we bui... 
amp for vandersteens
Buy an old Counterpoint SA-100 that can always be upgraded to sound fantastic.  In stock form I used one to power my Vandersteen model 5s.  The sound blew most people away.  Used one just sold on ebay for $210.Happy Listening.