
Responses from bigkidz

Can anybody be a speaker designer?
Can you please stop posting crap on Audiogon.  You continue to post speaker crap all the time wasting everyone's time.  It is so old now.  If you think manufacturing any audio product can get you rich then give it a try.  In your case, go ahead ma... 
Paralleled Transistors
Parallel transistors, Moffett or tubes is always not a good idea. It is just a compromise - to deliver more power. 
Speaker recommendation $1000 or less you've had in your home
the infinite slope are a very good option but I prefer the KEF 104.2 or even better a pair of Alon speakers  V MKIIs, etc.  Dynamic, very open, fast, slam, beautiful mid range tone, nice bass.  Very 3D sounding also.Happy Listening. 
Best integrated for my needs????
If you want something special that IMO sounds better then the above recommendations  contact Vinnie Rossie about his integrated amp.  Also can come with a built in DAC.  What do I like besides the obvious sound, well the build quality, and DHT des... 
Counterpoint SA20
You and everyone else.  There ae no more replacements to be found and I would not suggest purchasing any used mosfets.  The alternative is to replace with bi-polar transistors.  Faster, more open and dynamic but the trade off is the musical mids o... 
snell type d or kef 104.2
Keep the KEFs and upgrade the x-overs 
Pure tube phono preamp
Contact me at Vu Jade Audio we make a pure tube phono stage that is reference quality and we can custom make one for you based on your system/specifications. Copper plate, point-to-point wired, custom parts and transformers, etc. It was compared t... 
Article: "Spin Me Round: Why Vinyl is Better Than Digital"
Digital is no comparison to vinyl not even close  we build a point to point wired, DHT R2R DAC with a 30lb power supply.  The phono we build using a JC Penny TT is just better sounding.  The DAC is awesome but in direct comparison vinyl still soun... 
Harbeth 40.2 or Vandersteen Quatro CT
I agree that the Harbeth will have a different mid-range sound.  You can probably find a used pair of Vandy 5As for close to $6500 or less at this time so that may be a great option. Since the Quattros have built-in amps in each speaker for the s... 
Sound quality impact - preamp vs power amp?
In building custom audio components I have mixed input about this.  IMO unless your speakers require a specific power amp (horn speakers don't need 200wpc, as an example), then here is my overall comments:They both offer sonic advantages - in buil... 
Your shipping wrecks. USPS,FED-EX and UPS
So it is now Trumps fault  LOL  I guess the head of the USPS was the guy working all the mail and the other people forgot how to do their jobs!  And the newbies what they cannot read or follow directions either.  Because ones pants are down doesn'... 
Looking for some new floor standing speakers
@jrpnde - I realize that the OP says under $5K that is why I said a tad over his price range. I paid $5K for mine. What do you think he can find in that price range that is suggested above to compete with them, sound as good as them, and have mult... 
Looking for some new floor standing speakers
I was in the same boat that you are thinking about now - found a pair of Vandersteen Model 5As for just over your price range  so a $30K speaker for cheap not the best speaker in the world but they do so much really good that I would have to spend... 
Recommendation for a replacement speaker cable
My buddy has the Holograms and he built his own from a typical recipe from You tube  did an excellent job bi-wires.  His system Alon I, Graaf tube amp, Modified DeHavilland pre by me Metronome CDP   - we cannot hear a difference at all between the... 
If Steve Got You Last Week...
@grannyringbeen through so many transports I cannot name them all the two best transports I have had and heard in my system are Audiomeca Mehpisto II this is the best I ever heard not including the mega priced ones that are out there, next Metrono...