
Responses from bigkidz

Does Crown k2 amp match the b&W Matrix 802?
At $400 it is a good deal but overall the B&Ws will sound better as you mate them with a better high current SS power amp. Another entry level choice is Bryston or the Krell KAV-250, much more than $400 but you can upgrade later. the point bei... 
Talon Raven C Speakers
There was a guy who was powering his Talon Khorus speakers with the Bruce Moore 70/70 (70 wpc tube amp) and felt it bettered some of the high powered SS amps he had tried. The Ravens being a 2 way design and rated at 90 db are easy to drive and th... 
Calling B&W speaker users with tube power amp
The matrix series cross-overs like more juice to make the speakers come alive. The tube amps will drive the speakers but a high current (note the word current) SS amps drive the speakers much better. It also depends on how loud you like the music ... 
Shunyata versus Elrod
I compared the SS power cord and the Kimber to the Elrod Sig 3 on my Pass Labs X-250 power amp. I preferred teh Elrod over them. TO my ears it was just more natural sounding with great details and definition. Did it blow the others away, well no, ... 
Best blues guitarist, Clapton or Green
Boas2 he asked for the best blues geetar player which Danny was not. He was (still is) the best in my book always!Happy pickin' Danny where ever you are now! 
BAT VK60 experience?
It will sound OK at low volumes but the old matrix 803 series like a high curret amp with more watts.Happy Listening. 
Speaker Recomendation
Paul,you mention nothing about what type of sound you prefer or what type of music you prefer. That would be recommending a Nissan Z and you prefer a 4 door sedan for the family.There is no perfect component out there, they just have different sou... 
Review: Shanling SCD-T200 w/ EA Turbomod CD Player
My friend had his modified by Chris Johnson and had about $4K of parts put into the unit. Same result with the SS and tube output. It was extremely good but I never thought that it better the really high buck CDPs that you mention. Overall is was ... 
Is there an Audiogon for musical instruments?
Try net instruments or do a search for used geetarsHappy Playing. 
Postal Money Order versus Bank Money Order ???
Same, both are as good as cash. 
Breakthrough Evidence of the Beatle's Genius?
My son loves singing along to them also, he is now eight, I think it is just simple melody that he can sing along to that keeps him going.Happy Listening 
Rowland 302 V. Krell 700CX
The new Krells 450 and 750 monos break away from the typical Krell sound, in fact they are one of the most musical amps that I have heard versus JC-1s, Marsh, Bryston, Sim mono blocks. But they are $$$$$$.Audition a pair and see what I mean.Happy ... 
Quicksilver V4 amps
You responded to my post a while back on tube amps and it looks like the Quicksilvers are the way to go from your post. I see you may have the Meadowlark nighthawks I heard them and really liked them. Any way are you using the Quick amps on them? ... 
what spkr do you suggest with a 12w /chanl amp ?
Check out Silverline Audio, Coincident and Buggtussel speaker lines.Happy Listening 
Pass Labs X1 vs. X2.5
No Keithr is correct, the Pass gear is not "tube like" the X-250 offers a "golden glow" or softer sound in the mids to offer a more tube like sound as do many SS amps that are trying not to sound like SS. That does not mean the amp or preamp is no...