
Responses from bigkidz

What 6sn7 tube for Counterpoint modified SA-220?
yes, got your email thanks again. 
Musical Fidelity A308 pre vs. Pass Labs x-1
Not even a close call. The X-1 walks all over the MF preamp, really. I owned the X-1 for some time and borrowed the MF from a buddy and the Pass was way better, no contest, honest otherwise I would have bought the MF from my buddy cheap and put th... 
KT-88 KT-90 KT-100 6550 which has the best bass?
It depends how you describe best bass. In my experince with a Graaf tube amp, the 6550 was a warmer more musical sound but the KT-90s were more dynamic and punchier, but lost the magic in the mids. Could be the brand of tubes used also.Happy Liste... 
How does Sony XA9000ES compare to ext dacs on cd?
My Audio Logic DAC 34 used for around $900 but added mch better tubes in it was much better sounding then the Sony. It was clearer, more musical, better separation, wider deeper soundstage and sound more real.Happy Listening. 
Looking for preamp to go with pass labs x250
The Pass X-2.5 and X-1 are excellent matches for the X-250 power amp, I preferred the X-1 over the Sim P-5 and Sonic Frontiers line 2. Cannot help you with the Ayre. For SS preamps the Tom Evans Vibe was a killer preamp and bettered the Joule Elec... 
Reminded once again of VTA criticality...
Funny just saw this. Listening 
Great tube DAC's with volume control?
Wavelength the Birdland is not a tube unit. 
What tubes and power cord on the Audiologic 24MXL?
I have the 34 DAC so it is a little different using four tubes. I am using Amperex 7316 PQs and Amperex 6922 PQ Goldpins. I have used Bugle Boys, D-Getters and Orange Labels but the 6922s really added more bass, cleaner/clearer detailed sound, dif... 
Why is Sony Digital sound more like vinyl?
OK I have owned the SCD-1, SCD-777ES and XA777ES Sony players. I would not say they were anywhere near analog sounding to my ears. They were good but not analog sounding. My old Meridian 508.24 was slightly better sounding on redbook CDs. Cords ma... 
How Much Time do You Surf on Audiogon?
Sean you must be really fast at typing, some of your posts would take me at least 30 minutes or more just to type them! HA!Oh crap, I am back at it already today! 
How Much Time do You Surf on Audiogon?
Man here I am again responding to another thread. I've been trying to stop cold turkey but it ain't a happenin'!I swore I would skip a day or two but that did not work either. I have even been looking at audio stuff on Ebay now, just bought some t... 
Help who the best?
My advice if you are shipping a long distance, first make sure that the seller is packaging them better then how they came from the manufacturer! Second send them by airfreight the fastest way possible so that they don;t get a chance to get bounce... 
B&W or DALI Grand
read this, best I could come up with for you.Happy Listening 
Pass X1 preamp question
Also agree with Zenaissance, I was not sure I heard any difference at all.Happy Listening. 
24 MXL
Need an upsamler with the Audio Logic or a CDP that puts out the 24 bit signal.Happy Listening.