
Responses from bigkidz

$5-600 tube preamps:CJ,AR,SF,etc..
I have compared the Quicksilver, CJ 10 & 14, Rogue M-99?, AL 3A and Counterpoint SA-5 preamps. The Countepoint had NOS tubes while the othes had stock tubes. The overall favorite was the Counterpoint with the 3A close behind. The other two pre... 
Pass X-series preamp with Adcom GFA-5802 amp?
Buy the Adcom 555 power amp and later have the amp modified starting with the internal wiring (super wire or whatever it is called. Get some AC filtering in the system and sit back and enjoy.Happy Listening. 
Where can I start to improve my sound the most 2ch
You first need to filter your AC. That is the first place to start. Once you have the AC filtered, then you will be able to hear what the difference cables/components will do in your system. WIthout the AC filtering, most of the changes will not b... 
Pass X250 Power Amp
There are only a few SS amps that are worth the extra $$$ over the prices of the X-250. In the right system, the X-250 could be the last amp you'll need or want. I have not heard the .5 but hear there that it is an improvement and you know that ma... 
It's the middle of summer and I need a...
Call Albert at VSA, he has tried a few digital amps and he can give you his recommendations. He is also great to talk with.happy Listening. 
Speaker Cable choice, Cardas, AQ, JPS or SR?
If you like the Cardas sound then look for a pair of the Golden Hexlink 5-Cs they are real good and cheap. They will fix the mid range you are experiencing now.Happy Listening. 
what CD player between 1-2K
Keep your CDP and buy a good DAC. Electrocompaniet, Audio Logic or Chord 64 but make sure you get a really good digital cable. These DACs will compete or beat any single unit in this price range although the Audio Aero Prima would be my choice for... 
Pass X-250 and Tube Preamp
I posted on this a year or so ago. I owned the X-250 for a few years and compared a bunch of tube preamps to the X-1 preamp. Lamm LL2, Blue Circle B-3 MKII, ARC LS-25 MKII, Counterpoint SA-5000, Joule LA-150, BAT VK-30SE, and a few more that I can... 
Compatible preamplifier for Counterpoint Solid 1A?
Pass Labs 
Experiences with Nirvana Digital cable ???
Thanks for the responses. Wher can I get one to audition, any dealers?Thanks 
Krell FPB 300cx vs Pass X250.5
When I compared the X-250 (not the .5) to the Edge NL-10 I found the Edge to be slightly faster sounding, slightly more dynamic and slightly cleaner sounding. I thought that the X-250 sounded better on a few instruments like brushes on a snare dru... 
Best airy and smooth Power cord for trans & dac
I am a fan of the Elrod Sig 3 but no the Sig 2. I use the 3 mainly on power amps. I was not impressed with the Sig 2 on my CDP or preamp and currently use a Foundation Research L-1 power cord there.The Elrods are pretty natural, with very good bal... 
Please Help with DAC...
It all depends on the DAC. Better or differnt what you will hear. Again, you will need a good digital cable ($150 for say an Audience or Acoustic Zen MC-2 used) and these are good cables for the money. Better cables cost more! IMO the digital cabl... 
Interconnect test
Acoustic Zen Sil Ref ICs have a very balanced high, low & mid frequencies, the Audeince will have a sweeter mid but the AZ will offer better frequency extremes in my experience. Both are excellent ICs.Happy Listening. 
How many audiophiles to screw in a light bulb?
Audiobugged,What about Jimi Hendrix records spun at 45 RPM and played backwards? Groovy man! This is Jimi takin' to ya!Happy Listening.