
Responses from bigkidz

What do you hear with a better/bigger power supply and output capacitors in same amp?
Typically more watts claim more headroom on transients and long loud passages. No, not really.  Our Class A 40wpc mono blocks outperform large mega watt amps.  In general terms, when you upgrade the parts in the power supply with better parts lik... 
Eversolo DMP A6 with or without preamp
Sounds better in what way or areas?    
playing "top-damaged" CDs ?
@richalan - I think you have dated yourself with Hot Tuna. LOL  When I was young we always rented a home on the NJ Shore with my buddies. I brought down a little stereo system and we met some nice young ladies and invited them over that night.  We... 
Ruminations On CD Players
Plenty of options - Get an old Rotel and have the parts upgraded along with the laser if you want really good sound but don't want to spend too much.  Or get an old Cary 306SACD model and have that upgraded.  Once that is upgraded it will complete... 
Best preamp under 1500$ freya+ , cary slp03 ?
Buy an cold Counterpoint preamp and upgrade it.  It then becomes a reference preamp. Happy Listening.  
If you want lame advice DON'T do this!
First of all, most manufacturers don't know how to set-up speakers in a room to optimize the sound.  When my dealer friend gets in a new pair of speakers, the manufacturer always comes in and changes the positions and not for the better. While th... 
Is My Tube Amp Unfixable? Help Needed
Anything can be repaired.  
Any High End Tube Preamps with *gasp tone controls?
I could build you a custom "high end" preamp with any tubes, tone controls, etc. Happy Listening.      
All ARC vs All Pass Labs vs All CJ system compare
If you look at the designs, then you can have a general idea why they sound different.  SS cannot produce the "tube" sound sonically.  So you are better telling us what sound you prefer and then we can recommend the manufacturer offers that sound.... 
dacs that I have had in my system - a listing
Nice, very nice. Lots of time spent. I get why you tried a few from one single company. I always wanted to know if the same companies product were that much better as you went up the line. I did not really understand what sound you were looking f... 
Recommendation Request for Tube Power Amplifier
Old Counterpoint hybrid amps are right in the middle of tube & SS. Plus they can be upgraded to sound better than a lot of amplifiers.      
@magnuman - what other transports have you compared it to?  It is a very nice sounding transport no doubt.  The other transports we tried were more to our preference and that is what this is all about.  We build our own components/DAC included and... 
New, Very Interesting CD Transport
Years of experience actually do not mean anything, it comes down to what you have heard and in how many different systems. If you don’t think CD transports make a difference come to my Listening Room in Northern NJ. We have around 6 different ones... 
While the Esoteric is a very well made component and it also sound really good the top ones on my list better it in sound quality. The Esoteric has less of an organic sound if that is what you are looking for. The Audiomeca was one of the best sou... 
Ethernet Switch- what's the point?
The switch in every system we have tried really makes an improvement in clarity, noise floor, etc.  Silent Angel makes an inexpensive one that works very well. It is not one you have to go back and forth to hear the improvement either.