
Responses from bigkidz

Resolving CD Transports Crowd Sourcing
@wharfy - PM me as I may be able to help you with new products and the CEC.   Peter  
Resolving CD Transports Crowd Sourcing
The Pro-Ject audio Transport.  Have not heard the Jay's MKIII but overall the Pro-Ject was just as you said.  I have not found anything that worked as well in our search since I gave mine to a friend a f3ew years back. CEC makes a very good trans... 
It's almost like poll, but certainly more fun
@jeffrey125 I feel you pain  my dad passed away 42 years ago when I was just a kid.  I look up and thank him everyday for living and loving me!  
Best Full-Function Preamplifier
For that price I can build you a customer point-to-point wired preamp.  Way better that any suggestions you will get here. Happy Listening.  
Probable PayPal Claim
File the claim now.  The manufacturer may not fix under warranty as the unit was shipped to you and you are not the original owner. All this being said. we are a manufacturer and repair facility.  I have seen plenty of boxes double boxed in perfe... 
Cables have a sound for better or for worse.   They are not universal and may not produce the same sound in different systems.  We once won an award for best of show using a cheap Adcom copper cable used as a digital cable. Not one reviewer asked ... 
? about Smoking Power Amp
There are things that can burn without causing harm.  For long term though, I would not use the amp.  Take the cover off and look around to see what has burned.  I am in New Jersey if I can assist in anyway.      
Old CD player back from the dead—prompting many questions!
The old CAL was a very nice musical sounding player.  It can be upgraded to make major improvements.  The Aqua is nothing really that special to my ears.  (yeah I know three is a big fan club on them).  The CAL can be upgraded for a ton less that ... 
After a long, long sleep: ML-335
I am located in New Jersey if our location can be of service. I'd say take a look inside like Eric said.  Power it up without it connected.  It and let it idle for 20 minutes.  If nothing seems burnging then plug that sucker in.   Happy Listeni... 
The perfect size double box
Walmart. eBay the boxery. Since you are in northern NJ come stop by our listening room for a while good to meet people and have fun.  Also staples  
Marantz cd players
The best Marantz CDP to this day is the old CD-94.  We still used one in our listening room.  It completes in stock form with most any CDP out there these days especially for the $1K used prices.   Happy Listening.  
Is low cost DAC worth it?
$500 DAC - nope.  Better off spending $500 and upgrading your CDP instead.  
The future of LAMM without Vlad
They were reorganizing last I was informed, but we can fix any audio product including Lamm.  
What DAC to buy?
you would be better off having your CDP upgraded then to buy a $1K DAC.  You would get much better sound.  
I'm going to buy my first tube amp. I need honest blunt opinions
Some good advice but you actually never know until you try. We have vandersteen sevens that were driven by 28wpc set amp I believe 520 or 820 tube sounded fantastic on 83.5 db speakers pure class A. We were surprised at that. You can try hybrid am...