
Responses from bigkidz

I recently purchased on Agon a few days ago.  Not sure what you are selling if anyone wants it? 
The big DAC decision
I do not listen through headphones so this may be advise that may not help you.  IMO the source is critical to hearing what a system can do.  The DAC that I build reproduces music that most people have never heard before in that the separation and... 
Legacy Focus SE or Magico A3
Let it be known that price does not equate to performance, except at the high end.IMO, this is not exactly true.  The price has really nothing to do with performance.  Since I build components (DAC, Phono, Preamp & Amps), what sets mine apart ... 
Legacy Focus SE or Magico A3
If a system is not throwing a big soundstage and is masking clarity that has a lot to do with the quality of the source and ancillory components.AMENYeah, running $10,000 speakers through the preamp section of a $1400 AVR, even a good one, will be... 
Impressive Audiogon, Great Job!
michaelgreenaudio OP233 posts07-07-2018 7:21amWell let me know if I win. I usually get a heads up so I can be there to give my acceptance speech. Did you see the one I gave with Jeff Bridges? Man I was so nervous my knees were knocking.I voted for... 
Auditioned Magico A3 - VERY DARK...
IMHO the speaker is only reproducing what they are being fed.  Brightness/Darkness IMO usually comes from the source not the speakers (taking quality speakers).  There are many great speakers to hear/audition so enjoy the ride and Happy Listening.  
Matter - IMO sometimes.  I can get the same or better results much cheaper by changing resistors, capacitors or adding a simple filter choke to a component(s).  After that, the cable simply is the last "adjustment" in my system.  Like adding salt ... 
How do I find an audio advisor who does home consultations?
For what it is worth, I can bring over several components for you to hear in your system that may help you understand what can make your system sound "better".  That way you may be able to understand strengths and weaknesses in your home/system an... 
Liquid Amps
Class A all the way!Happy Listening 
CDs Vs LPs
Like you already mention, depends on the quality of the source.  Building a DHT DAC that has a 35lb power supply has sounded better than many high end TT set-ups in many different systems (around $10-$15K  TT & phono).  In building a phono sta... 
Passive pre-amp/Quicksilver Mini Monos
IMO it is very hard to match any old passive preamp.  It takes some experimentation.  But give it a try. 
Repair Linn turntable vs buying a different one
Wow that is a lot of scratch for a repair.  Maybe a nice used Micro Seiki? 
Best speaker/system piano concerts
I would look more at the front end source.  You want something that can communicate with the rest of your system but has a natural tone with long, slow note decay that will let the notes just linger to give you the natural wood of the piano and pr... 
What makes a speaker sound great at low volume?
What makes a speaker sound great at low volume?1) Not sure what you mean by sounds great, in what way?2) The equipment makes the speaker sound great.Happy Listening. 
Speakers or amp to be upgrade?
"Speakers are the one and only thing that will make a major change for your system! Everything else is of secondary importance!"Completely untrue statement.  A system can be shaped in many ways.  It comes down to what you are hearing and what you ...