
Responses from big_greg

Integrated Amp Recommendation
I'd get a 2nd opinion on the repairs first, especially if you like that unit.  I have owned a couple of Peachtree's integrateds (the Grand X1 and Nova 300).  If you need a lot of power and a lot of bells and whistles (DAC, headphone amp, HTPB, pho... 
Making a difficult decision
I own a Peachtree Nova 300.  It's a great sounding piece and well made.  I used it with efficient Klipsch speakers, but it has enough power to drive almost any speakers.  As mentioned, it is Class D so can be smaller and lighter.  I can't speak to... 
klipsch heresy 1 versus zu omen mk2
No experience with the Zu, but another upgrade option for your Heresy I speakers is to upgrade or replace the crossovers and tweeter with replacements from Bob Crites.  I did this to mine recently and am very happy with the results.  The parts in ... 
TIDAL Desktop Application or Chrome Browser?
I know these three letters are controversial, but if you want to listen in "Master" quality (MQA) I don't think Chrome supports that.  I use the desktop app. 
@aolmrd1241 thanks for the link, I wasn't aware of that.  We were listening to vinyl, but I assume the playback media doesn't matter since the effect was produced by the recording technology.  I bought the vinyl afterwards as well as the CD/Bluray... 
I was at Echo Audio in Portland last summer and it was a slow day (there was a parade that shut down the downtown area).  The owner, Kurt had a pair of  Dan D'Agostino Momentum M400 monoblocks set up with a  Pro-Ject Xtension 10 as the source go... 
Cannot do 5.1 then does 3.1 make a difference or just stick to 2.1?
Your AV processor should give you options for defining how many speakers you're using and will distribute the sound accordingly.  You should be OK with 2.1.  What you can "live with" is up to you.  I am old enough to remember the days where having... 
Best vintage DD turntables from the 70's and 80's?
I'm not sure I'd call it the "best", but when I was looking for a turntable with auto shut off, I found a Realistic Lab 440.  It's a very nice table and fully automatic.  It was a little fussy when I first got it, but the shop I bought it from wen... 
Best phone preamp for around $500?
Take a look at the Jolida JD9.  I had a Pro-Ject Tube Box II (I have no experience with the other Pro-ject units you mentioned) and the JD9 put it to shame.  The JD9 offers a huge amount of loading and gain settings and will grow with you if you d... 
Rega Brio R or Alex R for new Klipsch Heresy III's.
You might consider the Heed Elixir.  I auditioned one this weekend and the Peachtree I mentioned earlier in the thread is going bye-bye.  It's a simple integrated - 50 WPC Class A amp, 4 inputs plus a MM phono input, pre-outs, and a Class A headph... 
Rega Brio R or Alex R for new Klipsch Heresy III's.
I have a Peachtree Nova 300 that I use with my computer system driving a pair of Heresy I. It has very detailed and clean sound and includes a nice DAC, phono pre, HTBP, and lots of inputs. I had a Rega Apollo R CD player and it sounded great with... 
New Look for Audiogon hard to work with
Search results I wanted are missing and 137 pages of completely unrelated results when searching for a brand. It’s bad enough that the interface is horrible, but the search results are now useless also. I know someone thought this was a good idea,...