
Responses from big_greg

What are you streaming tonight?
Malibu Ken - S/T 
Catastrophic Accident! What To Do!?
 Thanks for sharing the happy ending to the story, that's great news!  
What are you streaming tonight?
I haven't heard the EL8. I have LCD-2 and LCD-XC. The LCD-4 are the best headphones I've heard. My girlfriend is listening to the remaster of the white album with them right now. Thank goodness she's supportive of my hobby!  
Do I have to use a streamer/renderer to play music from an NAS?
It doesn't look like your preamp supports dlna, so yes, you'll need something external. A bluesound node 2i or something similar would work.  
Tube pre for class d recommendations
I just ordered a used ARC LS26 from an Audiogon dealer to mate up with my Wyred 4 Sound ST-1000 MKII. I should be able to share some impressions next week.  
What are you streaming tonight?
My new (to me) Audeze LCD4's showed up yesterday!  I'm listening to the Cars - Heartbeat City. 
Mytek Brooklyn overkill?
I've been really happy with my Mytek Liberty DAC.  I haven't compared to the Brooklyn, but I do have an Auralic Vega (3 1/2 times the cost of the Liberty) and a few other DACs to compare it to.  The Liberty is very detailed and a bit "analytical",... 
What am I missing streaming music with a Node 2i
The DAC in the Node 2 is very good considering its price, but connecting the Node 2 to my Auralic Vega takes it to another level.  I already had the Vega before I got the Node 2, but I don't consider adding a better DAC to be a "waste".  I'm plann... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
The Ballad of Todd Rundgren.  He's a genius. 
What are you streaming tonight?
@uberwaltz That's a good description for the Teal album also.  I really enjoyed it.  The Santana EP was really nice also, I was wishing there was more when it reached the end. 
What am I missing streaming music with a Node 2i
That seems like a question only you can answer.  Is it meeting your streaming needs?  Are you happy with the way it sounds?I have a Node 2 in my main system and am running it through my Auralic Vega DAC and the sound quality is better than using t... 
What are you streaming tonight?
I just listened to the Teal Album by Weezer this morning.  It felt like a loving tribute to music they must have grown up with, I really enjoyed it. 
What are the best speakers you have ever owned and why?
I found a pair of Legacy Audio Focus 20/20 at a reasonable price and they are the best speakers I have owned.  They create an enveloping soundstage and are detailed without being harsh and have no problem plumbing the depths.  I've had a lot of mo... 
What area or country do you live in ?
@tomic601 We have a group that meets monthly at Desco Audio in Olympia to listen to music (usually the third Wednesday).  We meet for dinner nearby beforehand.  The person that started the group lives in Seattle, you might be able to car pool.  Lo... 
What are you streaming tonight?
Santana - In search of Mona Lisa