
Responses from big_greg

Want to upgrade my cartridge from 2m blue to black
Common sense is that a good table with an entry level cartridge will sound better than an entry level table with a good cartridge. You could get a pretty nice second hand turntable for the $755 the 2m black would cost and put the blue on it or mor... 
Want to upgrade my cartridge from 2m blue to black
You should be able to find a used Music Hall 5.1 for less than the cost of the cartridge you're considering and that will be a more significant upgrade than adding a better cartridge to that table.  That table is decent, but it has inexpensive fee... 
Want to upgrade my cartridge from 2m blue to black
The 2.2 can certainly benefit from a better cartridge. I'm not familiar with the Ortofon cartridges, so can't say how much of an improvement the specific upgrade you're thinking about will make. I have a Nagaoka mp500 on my 2.2 and it sounds reall... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Still nothing. After being out for over a day, my power is back on, but only at 100 volts. I'm afraid to turn on my system.  
Marantz SA-10 vs SA-KI Ruby
I have the Ruby KI Pearl. I bought it second-hand and did not have to buy it as part of a set. I don't know how it sounds compared to the SA-10 or the Ruby. The only things I have to compare it to are a Rega Apollo-r (which the Pearl replaced), a ... 
I woke up to 6" of snow
Thankfully I have a propane stove, so I've stayed warm. My power came back on about 45 minutes ago but it's only at 92 volts so none of my equipment works, LOL. I guess I should be thankful for all the power conditioners I have. 
I woke up to 6" of snow
Six inches of snow in the Northwest is usually not good. Temperatures often get warm enough for some of the snow to melt and then it gets frozen at night and turns to ice. There are also a lot of trees here. The branches get full of snow and break... 
broken dreams - new cartridge help please!
Some good points. I've had my Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood retipped twice, once by Soundsmith and once by Andy Kim. In both instances it seemed to perform and sound the same, but of course time passed and my audio memory isn't that great.  It's true d... 
broken dreams - new cartridge help please!
@chakster  Can you expand on why you would suggest someone should buy a used cartridge over a retipped cartridge?  
I woke up to 6" of snow
Mine was sounding good until the power went out in the middle of a record.  
broken dreams - new cartridge help please!
 I've used Andy Kim. Very happy with his work.  
How do I get a speaker with the bass slam of my el cheapo ear buds...?
That amp is a beast and your speakers should be able to dig pretty deep.  I'm surprised you're not getting the bass response you'd like. 
How do I get a speaker with the bass slam of my el cheapo ear buds...?
Your speakers aren't the problem.  What are you using for amplification?  Have you considered adding a subwoofer (or better yet two)? 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Compare OPPO BDP-105 to Anthem D2 on DAC. My impression. What is yours?
The Oppo is a great piece at its price point, but it's designed to be an audio swiss army knife - it's good at a lot of things, but not particularly outstanding at any.