

Responses from best-groove

Obsidian plinth dust cover adjustment
Definitely, my SH10-B3 dust covers are raised all the way without falling.Have you tried checking for loose screws? 
Rega P10 v Complete rebuild Garrard 401!
for $ 9000 you can beautifully rebuild some Garrards rather than just one.  
I stopped buying MoFi reissues once I heard how much better Better Records Hot Stampers sound. They're expensive but worth it. I stopped buying Better Records hot stampers reissues once I heard how much better The Electric recording sound. The... 
Ready to pull the trigger on a DD turntable: Technics SL-1210GR or Pioneer PLX1000???
@tweak48   Nagaoka family. 
Ready to pull the trigger on a DD turntable: Technics SL-1210GR or Pioneer PLX1000???
+ 000.000.000. 000.000.000. 000.000.000. 000.000.000. 000.000.000. 000.000.000. 000.000.000. 000.000.000. 000.000.000. 000.000.000. 000.000.000. 000.... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Hi-fi is hobbies from old pensioners by that time. 
List of plinth builders for Technics SP10 MK3
@rich121 surely you can upgrade but you need to do it "cum grano salis".Spending more on a plinth than the turntable cost (whatever it cost) is simply irrational or madness!  
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
I will never puncture my precious golden age vinyls or expensive MoFi prints for such bullshits....baaaahhhh. 
List of plinth builders for Technics SP10 MK3
I believe that the most reasonable price is the original obsidian base with its own dust cover;  all other manufacturers charge prices higher than the turntable value. 
Cartridge repair by Moscow based Roman??
@cool_jeeves try to contact cartridgelab in Italy, they are very good and known all over the world, heads impossible repair by other repairers have been repaired.An mail costs nothing. 
Arm Board source for Technics SL1000 MK2/MK3
@rich121 this?I purchase from this seller ... 
What happened to Dave Reich?
Well, I'm glad that he continued to work on audio products. 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
for me if possible on the spindle you can also use a clamp above the SS 300 instead of the screw 
Turntable, Two Arms, Stereo and Mono: Is your system ready for 2 phono???
I have a Pass (Xono) which already has inputs for two independent cartridges, another pre phono which has two inputs and two independent outputs adjustable from the front (Camtech) plus another pre phono with single input and output. (Audio Analog... 
Sent Back the Pro-ject Turntable: What would be the best option in the $1800 range?
That big magnetic menace under the platter will scramble the coils of any cartridge. Bullshits.