

Responses from best-groove

Audiophile Albums....Yes indeed
  Sorry. Didn't know it had been posted recently. the "search" function has existed for a long time so as not to make mistakes 
Soundsmith - Thank you to everyone.
The oxI love you, pious ox; and mild a feelingOf vigor and peace to the heart infuse me,Or that solemn as a monumentYou look at the free and fruitful fields,0 that at the yoke bowing happilyThe agil opra de l’uom grave seconds:He urges you and pri... 
Art Dudley passed away. Rest in Peace
He didn’t seem to be sick; his last video published on utube dates back to a month ago.RIP 
9", 10" or 12" tonearm?
A long arm offers a lower degree of tangency error but has more resonances of the barrel ... this is the reason for sympathizers or detractors for the 12’’ armFor example, I don’t love them but I appreciate the 10'’ arms! 
VTA on the fly
So if the back of the tonearm goes up there are more bass, if the back of the tonearm goes down there are less bass or is it the other way around?If I'm not mistaken, the high frequencies should also increase or decrease ... is this correct? 
Victor TT 801
@lewm I have to deny you, small electrolytic capacitors for example from 1 - 2.2 - 10 uF at the measurements, they showed me not only an increase in the ESR or in some cases also identical to new capacitors, but rather values in uF increased by 40... 
Do any still use an older high end tuner from the past?....
I have a Sansui TU-X1. You need his wingman AU-X1 now.I occasionally use a Pioneer TX 9500 with Bic FM 10 as an antenna; unfortunately the commercial radio stations in my area infest the ether with bad music and transmissions that saturate the ... 
Victor TT 801
Replacing the electrolytics in the PS should not necessitate a recalibration.it is not entirely correct, due to aging the condensers can increase their value by up to 50% and the variation can be significant, compared to a new condenser.By this I... 
Victor TT 801
@chakster first of all the TT801 is much more simplified as components and less chaotic for assistance than the TT-101, then it does not have oil inside the spindle but grease.If it sounds better it will be difficult to prove, but it is so fascina... 
Victor TT 801
but the original vacuum mat does not work. Looking for one the rubber mat for TT801 is very rare to find sold individually; moreover, it is known that the rubber of the mat breaks over time, making the mat unusable.It is best to abandon the o... 
Recently Inherited a Kenwood L-O7D
Lewm....the lucky owner will have sold it. 
technics cartridges
Yes u can, you must have the template supplied with your tonearm. 
ways to store your records
The plural of Vinyl is Vinyl. thanks for the reporting. 
ways to store your records
Who did you get to make them? Simple, for the manufacturing I turned to my trusted carpenter, for the lacquering I have relatives who have an industrial lacquering laboratory, instead the project is mine. 
ways to store your records
I had about fifteen modular cubes made of mdf built and then white lacquered made to my specifications and needs; in each cube there are about 100 vinyls.https://postimg.cc/R6968yDX