
Responses from bemopti123

LG Electronics HDTV
Check the new Samsung DLP set ups. The LG can easily be outdone by Samsung anyday. For the US market, Samsung decided to skip the low end TV set market and decided to plunge ahead with higher end sets. LG or GoldStar, has been a stable manufacture... 
Battery powered glory or hype
Thank God that I do not have interest in vinyl nearly as much as to spend that sum of money on the Sutherland. At most, I think that the product might be overrated. The gear that I am getting has been reviewed sparingly and I did not notice the co... 
ZHorns or Hornshoppes?
12-15-03: Bemopti123I recently, or more like 1 month ago, bought the Garuda cabinets from Tom. I placed my own Fostex 208 Sigma drivers, still available at Madisound, as well as putting some spiking feet on them. To drive them, at first I had a As... 
Help with Sub Woofer connection
Dweller, I agree with you. I do not believe in extra crossover in.....if you study the set up I advocated, the integrated signal would run directly into the main speakers, without passing through a subcrossover. Furthermore, the sub would get a fu... 
Help with Sub Woofer connection
I think it is a pain to adjust the volume separatedly....acquiring the preamp might be a pain. Furthermore, you will be able to adjust the gain for just only 1 source, unless you want to add the Y patch for all sources. You need to minimize the ti... 
Epos ELS 3
I cannot say much about the new eco entry to the Epos sound, but from the beginning the original and the new regular Epos the ES series as well as the M series, they are not spectacularly expensive retail and are great bargains used, why risk unsa... 
Help with Sub Woofer connection
I had the same problem as you. I have a 47 Labs Shigaraki integrated, without any variable RCA output, like preamp outs and I had them running a pair of horn loaded speakers, but because I felt that the low end was not sufficient, I pondered about... 
Has anyone listened to zHORNS?
I recently, or more like 1 month ago, bought the Garuda cabinets from Tom. I placed my own Fostex 208 Sigma drivers, still available at Madisound, as well as putting some spiking feet on them. To drive them, at first I had a Assemblage 300B Platin... 
Subwoofer output closer or farther away from wall
I am very confused with the manual set up of the Rabos system. At first when I was doing the level of the system, I could not get the system to go to 0 db as stated in the manual, the closest I could get was 1 db. So, now that I pushed it to the w... 
Subwoofer output closer or farther away from wall
I pushed the subwoofer closer to the wall, and the improvement of the low end in comparison to the previous set up is not small. Now, I can feel, I guess hear it being more active than before. The other question that I have Kchahoc, you have the s... 
Epos cabinet sensitivity
It is sad that a manufacturer like Epos did not stand behind the problem with the cabinets. Strangely enough I have a pair of ES11, made in UK, while the newer ones are made at a factory in China. Could it be possible that this financial decision ... 
Integrated Amp -- $1,500 or less.
If your speaker is easy to drive, than I vouch for the 47 Labs Shigaraki integrated that can be had for the stated price or even lower used. It has a separate power supply and 3 inputs only, but when it comes down to drive and sound quality, it ma... 
How distorted with sub line in or speaker output
I have passed my veredict. I will purchase the subwoofer and run it through the speaker level inputs parallel to through the same speaking binding outputs. One set of speaker cables will go directly to my horn fullrange loudspeakers, while another... 
Low tech question: Sanyo Plus Series C55 pre amp
If Sanyo ever had a presence in the US coast, was a brief one. It makes a series of electronics products, most of them are for other markets like Europe, South America, Asia etc...It does not mean that is a bad brand, simply it does not have prese... 
Shigaraki and other simplistic gear
Dekay and Viggen, I wonder, I am getting my BC 2 picked up after a tech check up and they guy, who is an expert, knows a lot of people who actually designs the gear that many of us have heard about and possess, stated that all his clients, have go...