
Responses from bemopti123

Great Customer Service
Jzzmn88....haven't you noticed that ML has ceased its operations in CT and previous to that, they seem to be having timely delivery issues with repair gear. Although ML and other great manufacturers can claim state of the art in many aspects of so... 
Help with very low noise, SS amp for La Scalas?
I recommend a smooth and yet accurate presentation that can be had with a Class A amp. One of the minor miracles, but not widely reviewed...Clayton S-40? The 40 most potent watts that can deliver current when you want it. There are more wattage en... 
CES 2004 Best of Show
What happened to Final Labs with their battery powered gear? PS: I am also interested in checking out some pics of the fine models that complemented the shows. Is there such a site for that exclusively? >:) 
SAE A502 on the fritz - again. What next?
McCormack DNA 0.5.....less than 1K. Excellent drive and performance. In terms of integrated, there are very tempting choices at that price range, models from MF, Creek, but the perennial popular seems to be the Audio Refinement Complete for about ... 
used DAC for under $350 Channel Isalnd....
I think Viggen is changing his set up. I wonder if he decided to keep the ScottDixon...His Gaincard and many of his power conditioning devices, as well as cables are up for sale. 
upgrade needed
Sorry, Listener...I was banging my keyboard as I was doing something else. Today's replies were FILLED with major mistakes that I later realize, I have made.Paul K 
Great Customer Service
Dave, very few companies will stock specialized parts for their older products. I once read that Quad did this for their classic planar speakers, but for the majority of the other manufacturers, it is a non issue. Asides from this, some speaker ma... 
Digital Front End: Critical Listening
Your DAC section cannot unleash the potential of the ML. Need an adequate DAC, price and quality wise to match what the ML can do. 
upgrade needed
As I recommended before a separate transport, the excellent ones that do not take you to the poor house are the 47 Labs Shigaraki transport (for about MSRP of $1750, but used for about $1000) along with a ScottDixon tubed DAC ($500) brand new, you... 
denon or nad cd players opinion please
Get a decent transport and pair it with the ScottDixon DAC. You will be able to do this for less than 1K, and get stunning sound. Simple CD player or CD player acting as transports do not seem to make the cut any more these days. A supposedly grea... 
Scott Nixon outboard DAC's, any good?
Now that I think about it, I think the DAC-2.0 might have a name brand mark up. Scott dixon, selling via internet does not. I remember reading a posting, I think it might have been in AudioCircle that had a very indepth analysis of at least 3 DACs... 
Is there a problem at Revel?
Completely agree with Jefflo, I would never advocated anything affiliated with Harman International. Since they acquired several brands under their badge, regardless of what they might make audiophiles think, their ultimate priority is: the bottom... 
Help with very low noise, SS amp for La Scalas?
Sell the Heresy and get a get end Klipsch? Maybe that will be the option.>corrected sentence: "Get a higher end Klipsch?"PAUL 
A sexy new amp...Channel Island
After having received the Final Music 5 Preamp and Music 6 amp, with their own battery driven power supplies...I will say, I am taken with this "minimalist" circuitry philosophy, but the looks....the looks of these pieces!PS: Will never even go ba... 
SAE A502 on the fritz - again. What next?
Time to switch amps. Depending in your budget, think about integrateds that will suit your speaker efficiency. What is the budget? This is the most important question.