
Responses from bemopti123

Repair of Perreaux......NYC
New York Audio repair in Brooklyn. Very reasonable, but limited hours, but fast turnaround, if there is not too much backlog. Drive there. 
How much does your system retail for?
$12K and about $6K in equipment not used as main rig. 
Nora Jones new CD -- Copy Protection -- YIKES
Time to get the MD or the old, warm sounding analogue decks out. If all of this is due to encoding/anti ripping schemes of several newly released commercial discs, then what will the purpose of buying $300 worth of portable MP3 players, where we w... 
Horns and Triodes...?
Greg, that quote is in Korean and the line I placed afterwards, is a translation of it. I am very curious about your arrangement. Thanks TWL, I understand what you have said. Still, the subwoofer arrangement, that is the part that sounds impossibl... 
Horns and Triodes...?
I am crying. I think I will never be able to take a hack into your project, unless I have really idiot proof explanation and some decent diagrams, but man, does your set up sound like something out of a futuristic movie. I luv it! If you can, try ... 
Horns and Triodes...?
Greg, I have the same question as TWL, how do you front load a Lowther? I can figure backloaded horn, but front loaded? Do you have pictures of this beast, a plan or a link? Furthermore, without these schematics or some illustrations, I am curious... 
Best drink while listening to your rig?
Interesting. Once, while in Grad school, had some really cool vintage CUBAN cigars as well as CUBA LIBRE (Bacardi rum+Coke+Lime and ICE....)What a shity stereo was playing there, but hell, the DJ was cool....Puerto Rican guy who was into NYC Hip H... 
The Best Audio Dealer
Venus Hifi.....Bloomington, Indiana. Excellent service when I purchased my Final Music 5 and Music 6 preamp and amps. What a nice guy.Sound and Mind Audio...Austin, Texas...excellent upgrade and returns policy. Last bought my DNA 225 from him (for... 
Efficient Bookshelfs on a budget?
Vaystrem, if I am not wrong, the B&W speakers will have sensitivity measured either in 8 or 6 ohms, therefore, if I am not wrong, after having read a thread about it, an output device that turns out 7.5watts at 16 ohm, will double that output ... 
Horns and Triodes...?
If he was daring, he should have tried to build a set of Voigt Pipes with the Fostex 208 Sigmas. I did this succesfully about 2-3 years ago and still have the cabinets left over. The finish was not "pro" but the sound, the sound for about $400 wor... 
Moving to UK, what to do?
or if possible, if you are there for a limited period of time, store your greatest possessions, and get a set up like the brits do, an affordable integrated, digital front end, speaker etc....and jam away, without worrying about conversion issues.... 
Reliability/Repair Issues w/Sony 9000es DVD player
It seems like earlier units had sticking tray problems. Other ones, seem to be having problems reading certain types of SACD. Maybe is just the product of making thousands of these units massively, but if it has generated such reliability buzz, th... 
How badly does price drop for RIP manufacturer?
I second Roskoe's response. 
How to avoid hum and hiss to speakers from amps.
Nice to hear from someone else who has gone the DC way, with the Finals. Steve/Brooks, can you elaborate about the type of autotransformer you use as volume control? What about the speakers. 
Very Best Cd Changer to drive outboard DAC?
Anthem 1. 6 CD charger. Available only used. It used to be a hot item.