
Responses from bearotti

Biggest Subwoofer Ever Made
That is a crazy design! 
Audio Tweak gone bad...similar experiences?
Sorry I was not more specific...the penny was heads up when I found it...I found it on my birthday and it desplayed my birth year...I thought it was supposed to be a GOOD thing, you know, like the stars being in alignment or something. It would se... 
High priced power cable what about the romex
So has anyone in the forum actually put connectors on romex cable and listened to it in their system? I would be interested to know their ideas about the sound. 
Audio Tweak gone bad...similar experiences?
My penny was a 1982, same as my birth year, that I found on my birthday while at work a few weeks ago. I figured that it had to be a sign of good luck...apparently not! 
Insurance claim for shipping damage for Fedex
Never had any problems with FedEx, but UPS was very difficult to work with. The unit they damaged was not paid for until six whole weeks after it arrived. FedEx has not damaged one of my packages yet, knock on wood! 
condo owners, how do you appease the neighbors?
Well, I just make it work. I think you have to do what makes you happy, and if they can't understand that give them time. Personally, I don't think I could listen, really listen to music that is only 75db...I agree about the sub/bass issues, as th... 
Two Questions...
Methinks you are right... 
A New Twist on the Usual DAC Question
I have recently been using the Classe DAC-1 with a great deal of pleasure. It is the best DAC I have ever owned, and while I am sure that there are many out there that are better, I think that it will have a place in my system for awhile. It has b... 
Modify an SB3 or use an outboard DAC?
I think you leave yourself with more future possiblities if you go with the external DAC...what you could do is upgrade the digital out on the Squeezebox to get the most out of the player before sending the signal down the path. 
Ripping and Tagging Services
Most any CD that is playable in a transport will be able to be ripped and stored without any problem. As for any "service" that is devoted to undertaking the task for you, I am unaware is really not too difficult. If you want, I would be h... 
Will computer to DAC replace transports and cdp's?
Marco, you left "air" out of your chain! 
Upgrade order? Preamp, amp, speakers
Probably just my opinion, but I would start with the speakers. I have heard some pretty great setups that had the parasound in the pre positon...Let me tell you, it sounded pretty good when it was feeding halcro monos. Best of luck! 
If $ was no object what speaker would you buy?
I think that I would call Dave Wilson and have him design for me a new speaker that would outperform the WAMM 7a's...Yes, with as much money as I ever needed that is what I would all I have to do is spend another $300k on components and ... 
A rather funny survey from a research company ....
Yea, interesting survey...I told them that any one box system after owning some of the equiptment I have would be "uncivilized" hahaha! 
"The B&W Sound"
HMMMM, the B&W sound! I have heard some B&W in systems that I liked, and others that I did not! I myself was an avid B&W guy until I discovered JM Labs...Of course I had dreams of some Wilson Audio in my system, but it is a little to e...