
Responses from bearotti

Audioquest cables?
Audience makes fantastic cables....I tend to like MIT better as it suits my listening tastes better...I have owned nordost and audioquest, but I feel that MIT are the most natural sounding to my ears.Ben 
Which Class D Amp to Buy?
I heard a set of Nuforce monos on a wonderful wilson setup. I did not expect them to sound so good, and they were not too expensive.Ben 
Philosophy used in assembling your system?
For me it is best deals I happen to find, combined with my preference for sound...I also check each piece of gear to see if it meshes with the idea I have for my system...if it doesn't work, sell it away!Ben 
How isolated is your hi-fi?
I will have a dedicated room for ME when we purchase a house...hopefully something with 13' ceilings, nice and large, and big enough for me to put a grand piano in for my own practice....mmmmm...sounds good. 
Reused Item Photos. Misleading?
That was funny Viridian!Ben 
Boulder Modified Squeezebox...any experience?
Bob, Yes, that is the idea...however the mod I am most interested in is the digital mod...Simply becasue of the fact that I will be using the external DAC...I would want the unit to perform its best under it digital capabilities. For $550...for th... 
Boulder Modified Squeezebox...any experience?
Thanks for your input! 
a Power vs Volume Question
Thanks Herman, I knew there was a log function involved somewhere here...It would be interesting to hear something as loud as 180 db...Isn't the atmospheric pressure something like the equivalent of 164 db? I have heard that the human ear can even... 
New Audiophile - Upgrade Amp First or CDP First?
Is your plan to go to seperates...if so, there is soooo much gear that would fall in your price range. You could get a pretty good pre/amp/player combo from around $1500...In addiiton, I recently heard some of the new CEC stuff...CD player and int... 
Can speaker cables be too thick?
Unfortunately, no. These were the largest cables I could find at the Home Depot that I thought might work...they are typically used for running 220 for stoves and dryers, but seem to make pretty good speaker cables. I could not imagine really need... 
Can speaker cables be too thick?
I have made 10 awg cables in a bi-wire setup for my speakers. I did this as an experiment...It turns out that they sounded more detailed and had a much cleaner soundstage than my Nordost Blue Heavens that I was using before. See the cables in my s... 
DIY cable cooker for power cables? Male IEC?
LM,You are welcome any time to come by and have a beer...There are always frosty mugs in the frezer! I have some great Octoberfest right now...Ben 
Longest period of time without a single change
Shadorne,They have shown that shoping, especially for men (which sounded funny to me) can really be a compulsive disorder. For some reason mens and womens brains are wired a bit differently when it comes to shopping...why this is, who knows? 
Longest period of time without a single change
My system was in storage for about nine months...does that count?Ben 
Do you "treat" your speakers rubber surrounds?
I like the AC/DC response Seasoned! Sounds like the thing to do! I was just wondering becasue I have heard of some people putting things on the surrounds and was wondering if any "actually" did far, doesn't sound like anyone does!Ben