

Responses from bdp24

EL34 SE as stable with complex music as EL84 PP ?
You could give Roger Modjeski (Music Reference) a call. He makes both single-ended and push-pull tube amps, with EL34's and other tubes. 
What is the best way to add subs in my system?
Oranfoster---If a shallow-sloped (6dB/octave) x/o works for you, you can make (or have made) the most transparent one possible with a simple r/c filter. Just a single resister and capacitor per speaker, installed on the inputs jacks of your loudsp... 
What vintage speaker might you use today
Sunnyjim---To be aware of the "pre-AMT tweeter and Dr. Heil" era ESS, you are either as old as I or a Hi-Fi historian (or both)! I happen to have such a pair of loudspeakers, the ESS Trans-Static I's. I found them in L.A.'s The Recycler paper in t... 
Phono Interconnect
A maker of electronics recommending a competitors product! I applaud you Bill!! 
Oregon Audiophiles...
Thanks Bwalso, I'll be in touch. I'm aware that the housing situation in Portland is getting insane, so I may end up in the outskirts, Gresham perhaps. I don't want to be too far from Music Millenium, my favorite Portland record store! 
Impressed by Pangea Audio AC-9SE
Caelin Gabriel, Shunyata's designer, warns that you might well not hear a difference if installing a single cord of his in a system, that the whole system needs to outfitted with his cords to hear the improvement they afford. Speaking of afford, t... 
Proper Room Acoustics/Designs
I'll look Foley up. J. Gordon Holt specified that 1:1.6:2.3 ratio long ago, which I took as Gospel for years. Then everyone (Cardas, etc.) starting recommending 2.6 for the last figure. 2.3 seems better to me, being a prime number. I would gladly ... 
What is the best way to add subs in my system?
There are a pair of Rythmik F12's new on Audiogon this morning, $1000 the pair. The F12 is a great, great sub. 
Squeeze Concert including one odd tidbit
I love that you guys aren't afraid of challenging the common wisdom---that The damn Beatles are IT, nobody can touch them. I've never felt that way, and continually marvel at how their hardcore fans (I know a few) can be so blindly uncritical of t... 
Who can service Bedini amps?
Squeeze Concert including one odd tidbit
Great, great story Marty. I loved Squeeze in their heyday (still have all their LP's, but just sold the CD's), and even saw them live in England in December of '82. Difford & Tillbrook were probably the best songwriters of their generation, I ... 
What vintage speaker might you use today
I have no doubt that I will be the first of many to name the obvious first choice, the original Quad ESL. 
Cleaning records. How often really?
Oh, wait a minute Bill. The Last Preservative is not designed or intended to remove the mold release agent (allegedly, if you prefer) found on new LP's. Nitty Gritty at one time offered a product named First for that purpose, but it's no longer av... 
Cleaning records. How often really?
Stop scrubbing Bill! According to Last, the preservative bonds to the vinyl of the LP at the molecular level. Scrubbing won't reverse that permanent bond. 
$510.00 for an Aluminum cover for the ARC Ref. 10?
I was in the LAOCAS in the 90's, and attended all the shows in California. I also accompanied Brooks to CES every January for years, but dropped out of Hi-Fi for awhile, visiting Brooks only occasionally. He became a customer of mine, buying a bun...