

Responses from bdp24

Any Herron VTPH-2 Phono Stage Owners out there?
Shows what I know! It's the first I heard of it, but I don't follow developments in the world of MC's. ALL those guys named are brilliant, glad every one of them is working in the field of our passion. Music in our homes at our whim---how fortunat... 
Any Herron VTPH-2 Phono Stage Owners out there?
Keith Herron's championing of infinite loading is just one example of his creative mind, free of doctrine and dogma, but informed by knowledge and experience. Plus he's a musician! 
Bad news for audiophiles?
Random thoughts: Not into wine myself, but I understand professional critics of the juice have been known to pan expensive stuff and praise economy-priced products. It may not be impossible to fool an educated palate, but harder than an ignorant o... 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
The talk directly above brings to mind a couple of things: Seinfeld. It pretty much reflected where society and culture were at the time, and music was rarely mentioned though movies often were. Of course, the show was about actors. My sisters nev... 
Tubes, old and new
Fantastic! Thanks Tom. 
amp or preamp to extend upper end
Yeah, the Quattros, 5's, and 7's are much better speakers than the 2's and 3's. For their prices they'd better be! Brooks Berdan was a long-time Vandersteen dealer (until he was seduced by Wilson---the money?), and I've heard the old models a lot.... 
Which phono preamps among these three?
There is now a BAT phono stage listed for $1295, I believe it is. 
Planars/ Electrostats benefits over box speakers?
The interaction between speaker and room can effect apparent image size. But the components upstream of the speakers? I can see how they could make things smaller, but the speaker is the final arbitrator. The sound is being squeezed through those ... 
turn off...
My problem is I can no longer fall asleep if there is no music playing. So I put a CD on the bedroom system, fall asleep, and the system is on all night, just idling. At least that system isn't tubed! When I was a kid living with the dad, I'd fall... 
BEL 1001 service in 2013?
Though Brooks Berdan did indeed pass away, his tech Tom is still in the shop (Brooks Berdan Ltd. in Monrovia, CA) on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Tom is a great tech and great guy. 
Where does your user name come from?
bdp is Black Diamond Pearl, the drum shell wrap I love and collect. 24 is the size bass drum I prefer and play, 24 inches in diameter. 
amp or preamp to extend upper end
What Ralph just posted seems to me related to Atkinson's Vandersteen 3 measurements. SS amps can sound bright while lacking detail because fine detail is smaller than the resolution floor of the amp, the detail lost in the amp's graininess (just a... 
Planars/ Electrostats benefits over box speakers?
Not with Vandersteens or the smaller Wilsons, in my experience. The big Wilsons are a different story, for those who can afford them. But for five or ten thousand, panels rule! 
Another Best sounding room
Randy (Optimal Enchantment) is a longtime Vandersteen and ARC dealer, having installed many systems of that pairing in S. California. He's also a heck of a nice guy. 
Which phono preamps among these three?
If you're going to use a transformer anyway, you'll need only a low-gain phono amp. Most of the improvement of the PH-2 over the PH-1 is in the moving coil section I believe, and if you're real lucky (and patient) a PH-1mm may come up. Not from me...