

Responses from bdp24

Townes Van Zandt Road Trip
Perhaps unrelated, but as long as you're in Texas you can visit The Buddy Holly Museum in Lubbock. I'm sure Townes loved Buddy as much as the rest of us do! 
Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?
One reason for that sal is that Art doesn’t consider "vowel colorations" (as J. Gordon Holt coined them) particularly bothersome, or very high on his list of priorities in a loudspeaker. I couldn’t disagree more. The first good loudspeaker in that... 
List of musicians changed career with better success...
Wow cz, that’s some bold assertions, for which I applaud you. To say that Harrison’s post-Beatles career surpasses McCartney’s or Lennon’s means you are speaking in artistic terms, not commercial ones. I agree about Harrison; though he put out som... 
Speakers for 15K - Discounts
Some companies discourage their dealers from discounting their products. One way around that is for the dealer to give an inflated trade-in value for the customer's old piece(s). When I went from McIntosh to ARC (one such company), that's what my ... 
Tinnitus worries...
You know what group suffers a lot from hearing loss? The horn players in Symphony Orchestras! Very high SPL in those crescendos. I've been wearing molded earplugs for decades now, but they make gauging dynamics and inter-band balances when you're ... 
"Best" Beethoven 9 Symphonies Recording, Digital
Interpretations are very subjective, and all the above nominees have their devotees. Bernstein is another favorite, but the sound of his Columbia Records recordings are not so hot. Gunter Wand does the Beethoven Symphonies very well, sort of betwe... 
Are there any albums you consider perfect?
Mary Gauthier's Trouble & Love! Good one astro. I have to get all her albums. 
Are there any albums you consider perfect?
Just seeing this thread for the first time, and it’s a great subject! Off the top of my head I’d say:The Band: Music From Big Pink; s/t (the "brown" album)Bob Dylan: Bringing It All Back Home; Highway 61 Revisited; Blonde On Blonde; John Wesley Ha... 
Audio Research Reference 6 Preamp Review
I wonder how long it will be 'til the Ref 6SE is introduced and makes the Ref 6 sound broken ;-). 
The Best & Rarest of all Stereo Gear
The Fulton J’s! I bought a pair from John Garland in ’74, which replaced Tympani I’s in my system. Another rare and excellent speaker is the ESS Super Quad. It consisted of the original Quad ESL for midrange, a transmission line-loaded KEF B139 wo... 
Shorten my speaker cables?
If you cut each 16' cable in half and terminate the new ends with spades or bananas, you'll have two pair of 8' cables, great for bi-wiring or going "shotgun" (two cables for each non-biwired speaker).  
Speaker - Room/size dilemma
Kalali, the Magneplanar's require at a minimum 3' of space between them and the wall behind them, 5' being even better. Lots of better-halfs don't care for that! If you want to go dipolar, with the volume of your room the 3.7 will be better at fil... 
Phono cartridge advice
It's hard to get good help these days ;-)! 
Phono cartridge advice
I've heard before of a cleaning person breaking off a stylus. I'm curious---do many of you actually let your cp dust your turntable? Why?! The girl who does our house isn't even allowed in the music room to vacuum, let alone dust. 
Music you Hated but now Love
zimwig---Give Greg Brown's wife a try now. Iris Dement is very special. Her first three albums are more Country than later ones, in which she has gone back to her Gospel roots.