

Responses from bdp24

Have you ever met another audiogon member in person?
Damn Swampwalker, I’ve been writing it wrong all this time? Sorry mate, I guess I thought it was perhaps a Louisiana or Florida-derived moniker, as it may be. Time to start wearing my reading glasses regularly! bdp24 refers to my favorite vintage ... 
Have you ever met another audiogon member in person?
Oh, I too have done that swampwater., lopping off about a foot six months ago. When I auditioned for Peart Harbor's band, she asked me if I was willing to cut my mop, which I had anticipated. She's from the Punk/Rockabilly world (and was married t... 
Need a new amplifier. Need a good match for my Audio Research LS7 preamp
I believe the amp Ralph (atmasphere) was referring to is the Music Reference RM-200. In it’s current Mk.2 form it retails for $7995, and can very occasionally be found used (it’s a keeper!) for around $3000. The original non-Mk.2 version goes for ... 
acoustical stuffing / sound dampening subwoofer cabinet REL BRITANNIA B1 subwoofer
As auxinput states, internal bracing is the best and first way to combat enclosure resonance. Braces stiffen the enclosure walls, raising their resonant frequency above the frequencies the sub is asked to produce. Internal stuffing "tricks" the bo... 
Forgive my ignorance. Now to start over. . . .
For around $500 you can get a nice VPI HW-19, imo a much better table than a new entry-level VPI. Add a Rega 300 or Jelco arm for a few hundred bucks (or the amazing Audiomods arm for about twice that), and you’ll have a real fine LP player at a b... 
Have you ever met another audiogon member in person?
I accompanied Brooks Berdan to the Vegas CES in the mid-90's to early 2000's, and spoke with Ralph Karsten and Michael Green there. If you saw a longhair at those CES', it was either one of them or myself. I believe Ralph has chopped off his freak... 
Linn LP12......That good??
There is one guy who plays a fretted electric and makes it sound like a stand-up: Joey Spampinato of NRBQ. And, he does it with a cheap Danelectro! Joey can be seen and heard playing in Keith Richard’s documentary on Chuck Berry, "Hail Hail Rock ’... 
Current Crafter New Vinyl Sources
Not a retailer, but Michael Fremer provides a lot of good info about vinyl on his Analog Planet site, as well as on Stereophile’s. 
Why is good, deep bass so difficult? - Myths and their Busters
For accurate information on the Eminent Technology TRW-17 Rotary Subwoofer, read Peter Moncrieff’s IAR review of this revolutionary (no pun intended ;-) product. 
Linn LP12......That good??
Good points frogman, but remember, there ARE electric basses without frets. Rick Danko played a fretless Ampeg electric bass in The Last Waltz, and it was a hollow-body ta boot. Jazz bassist Jaco Pastorius played a fretless Fender electric, and if... 
The best books on music
Thanks for the tip Schubert. I like the conducting of Gardiner very much, so it’s a must-read for two reasons. If my library doesn’t have it I’ll even buy a copy! When I finish it, I’ll move on to your recommendations folkfreak. One can’t have too... 
Linn LP12......That good??
With all due respect Bill, John is not right. I’ve played with a few stand-up bass players (plus a "stand-up electric bass" player, but that's another story), and you’re right, a stand-up sounds very different from an electric. A good way to appra... 
Why don't amplifier Companies use high end fuses?
Note to minorl: Shadorne's post was a sarcastic joke ;-). Get it now?! 
Linn LP12......That good??
John Atkinson is still happy with his LP12. But then, he calls an electric bass a "bass guitar" ;-) . 
Speakers & Electronics - Matching Components - Your Evolution
Good Lord that's a lotta systems! Why so many? Bored with same old same old? Or just hard to satisfy?