Responses from bdp24
Magico S5 Speaker - SET UP ADVICE PLEASE - Tow-In - Etc. Didn't your dealer help you set them up? At his margin he should---that's part of what you paid for, dealer service. | |
Cable Risers/Elevators revisited Empty toilet paper cardboard tubes glued together. Almost free. | |
Magnepan 3.7i/3.6 owners- Free prototype development Better than the Mye stands? Cheaper? Any plans for the old 3-panel Tympanis? | |
Via Jazz FM 91 - The Devaluation of Music The decline of western civilization. Short attention spans, constant distraction, poor educational system (in the U.S., at least), the dumbing down of everything. celebrity idolization, and on and on. I'm glad I won't be around to see how much wor... | |
confused: which turntable cartridge used with Audible Illusions Modulus ? Ray’s recommendation of the VPI/Jelco combo is a real good one. I myself would much rather have that table and arm than the Rega 3.The AI Modulus pre is not a good choice for a very high output cartridge like the Elys 2. Not so much because of it’... | |
2.1 tube pre with ht bypass? The Audio Research LS-15/16/17, and 25/26/27 pre's have a processor pass-through input. The 15/16/17 can be found used for under $1500, the 25/26/27 for $2500 or so. | |
Whats playing on your system today? Nutty, Badfinger's two managers, after the group had made a lot of money, took it all and disappeared. Members Pete Ham and Tom Evans committed suicide, the other two are still around. | |
The longest you have owned any gear? Inna, you did miss at least one open reel deck---my Revox A77, bought new in '72 and still in my possession. | |
I'm wondering if I can fit this in my house Right, Wolf. Same with seeing the room HP stuffed the IRS' into. | |
What direction is VPI headed? I haven't investigated the VPI "dual pivot/stabilizer/outrigger", but Frank Van Alstine developed what he named the Longhorn in the 1980's. It was a thin rod with a weight on each end, which was attached to the cartridge. Frank described it as act... | |
KEF LS50... The ultimate anal-ytical speaker for living rooms? Eminent Technology LFT-16a. Undeservedly overlooked at 1250/pr. | |
What direction is VPI headed? Good posts, fsonicsmith. Slaw's too, of course. | |
Issues with AudiogoN forum website, anyone? I thought it was my computer, relieved to learn otherwise. | |
I'm wondering if I can fit this in my house Nice little bedroom system. | |
Why not batteries instead of power supplies? The late Gary Dodd produced some very fine electronics powered by batteries. Check out posts on the Dodd Audio and GR Research AudioCircle Forums for discussions about them. |