Responses from bdp24
Planar/panel speakers to replace Carver Amazings Everybody knows about and buys Magneplanars, and for good reason; they’re great and an excellent value, the best in a planar. EXCEPT for the Eminent Technology LFT-8b, the best speaker value in all of hi-fi. Just ask Harry Weisfeld of VPI, who des... | |
Best used speakers under $10000 Sanders ESL’s, but I’ve never seen a pair for sale. Stacked Quad 57’s.Best Buy!: Magneplanar Tympani T-IVa, George Cardas’ home speaker. They need a pretty big room, and lots of power. Bi-amp with ss on bottom, tubes on top. | |
How do you store and catalog your vinyl? Man, you guys make it way too complicated! Just kidding, whatever works. I just put my Pop (non-Classical) alphabetical by artist, then chronological. Classical alpha by composer, then alpha by piece title, then alpha by conductor. That's for both... | |
MAC Autoformers? Speaking of Richard and Roger, Roger says the idea to install the Capacitor "Forming" function into the MK.2 version of his Music Reference RM-200 amp was a suggestion from Richard. Brooks Berdan sold a lot of RM-9's and RM-200's to owners of Vand... | |
VPI Classic 1 isolation upgrade Damn korakotta, you know your isolation! I have Rollerblock Jr's (and the Canadian-made Ingress Engineering knock-offs, which are cheaper and slightly better), and have had the Bright Star Big Rock (sand box), Townshend Audio Seismic Platform (inn... | |
Milk Carton Kids Richard, I became aware of The Milk Carton Kids when watching the documentary filmed of the recording of the New Basement Tapes album, and immediately loved them. I put them in my notebook of albums to get, but before getting around to doing so ag... | |
High level speaker amp out to RCA High-level power amp output hookup to a sub being superior to line-level hookup is a debatable contention. Brian Ding, designer and maker of the Rythmik Audio subs, provides both on his models which contain either the A370 or H600 (non-XLR version... | |
VPI Prime or Scout or ??? What ever player you decide on, getting it from a retailer skilled in turntable/arm/cartridge assembly and set-up/adjustment/optimization is a real good idea. | |
Help with subwoofer implementation Some of the Rythmik subs offer high-level (power amp output) inputs, as does REL. | |
Bought a Cary 120S MK2 The EAR 868L has two pair of balanced outs (and two single ended), but is more $ (commonly around $3000). | |
MAC Autoformers? Roger, I'll ask the following for myself, but your answer may well be of interest to others. You rate your RM-200 Mk.2 amp at about 100w/ch at 8 ohms, and, unlike a "normal" tube amp, about the same at 4 ohms. The advantage of using the 4 ohm tap ... | |
Converting Mark Levinson 331's to monoblocks You may want to consider doing a vertical bi-amp of the ET LFT-8's with the two ML331's. | |
MAC Autoformers? I know BIF, Roger doesn’t look any different than a regular guy, but damn! It’s humbling to listen to him talk about amplifier design; I wonder how anyone can have so much knowledge in a normal-sized head. I talked to Bill Johnson a few times, and... | |
Magnepan 3.6 or 3.7 Magnepan has switched glue twice. The first time it cured the problem of delamination due to excessive UV light. But the problem of delamination due to excessive moisture remained until 2005, when Magnepan switched to 3M 30NF. It is available from... | |
MAC Autoformers? I posted this on the thread Roger (ramtubes) started to discuss transformers, but thought I would do it here as well.Roger gave a 90 minute talk on tube amp design at the 2015 Burning Amp Festival. If you own a tube amp, or are thinking of getting... |