
Responses from bdgregory

Comeback tune of 06? ?
Madworld - Originally found on the Donnie Darko soundtrack I agree - it's a great song - better than the original version by Tears for Fears. The Gary Jules version you refer to which is better than the original, is also on the Gary Jules CD "trad... 
2 inputs into single sub - possible?
Rel subs are designed to accept high level (music) and low level (LFE) inputs simultaneously, but I'm not sure they can connect to 2 different systems for use at diff times. It may work, but I would double check w/Rel. 
Ground loop feedback
what other equipment do you have connected? Do you have a TV Cable connected in the system?Have you tried starting with the amps/preamp only, and adding other equipment (eg, cd player) one at a time to see which one brings the ground loop? 
preamp remote won't work??
Google on "remotes" or "remote codes" and you'll find many companies who repair, or offer replacements, or universals. One of the sites I found that way some time ago suggested that often a remote can get stuck, and to "unstick" it you remove the ... 
Audioquest PT vs. Rega dimensions
No you can't. The geometry is way off. You'll need a new armboard drilled for the PT. 
Problem with VPI 16.5
Where did you get that formula from?I don't want to presume to answer for Ritmoman, but the link below to TNT publishes many recipes, all with that amount of alcohol or more. I recall a previous thread here also where high alcohol content was impl... 
How hot should a McCormack DNA-225 get?
I'm not familiar with MacCormack amps, but maybe someone with a DNA225 will chime in. The behavior you describe isn't at all unusual for power amps though. I had an Ayre V-3 that ran too hot to touch. I was speaking with Ayre tech support once and... 
Advice on upgrading HT system with 5ch power amp
I'll second the B&K amps. Their 5 channel amps are excellent sounding and a great buy. The other thing I like about them is the form factor - 17" face, and not too deep. And they do have a number of models with the power output you're after.Th... 
scratch on side of adcom best way to fix
I agree with Albert, Sharpie is the best, and often works wonders. I've picked up some pretty rough equipment used and have tried other options too. For gouges in paint that hit bare metal and can't be covered with a sharpie, you can touch them up... 
Kappa 8 amp suggestion
I'm not familiar with either the adcom or the carver, but another option is you can get a pair of B&K M200 Sonatas for ~$600 - if you want to biamp - get 4 of them. You'll be stunned by the performance. They're capable of 150 amps peak to peak... 
Anyone ever heard Rega separates?
I have a Hal preamp which is the flagship pre in '98. It's no longer made. It's a dead quiet preamp with excellent build quality, great controls (remote). It's somewhat warm sounding and an excellent buy if you can find one. It has one quirky feat... 
Tinnitus - do you have ringing in the ears?
this thread has been dormant for a while, and since I acquired a bout with tinnitus last year, which I recently managed to shake, I thought I would resurrect it, in case my situation if familiar to others.My ears started ringing last year. At firs... 
What's your latest "Discovery"
I few new ones for me:Pink Martini - "Sympathique", and "Hang On Little Tomato"these guys defy categorization, a little Jazz, a little Latin, a little pop.Deadman - "Our Eternal Ghosts" Steve Tibbets - everything he's done. "Northern Song" is prob... 
Home made cable lifters.
Do not under any circumstances tie the lines too tightly around the cable, as it tends to constrict both frequency response and soundstage size. Leave just a little room for the signal to breath. . . . , he said with a straight face. 
Upgrading to Totem Mani 2's
congrat's Steve - did you have a chance to compare the Sig's to the standard Mani's? I've had my Mani's for over a year now. Every upgrade and tweak I do to my rig just shows how great these are. I bought mine used, and they are an earlier vintage...