
Responses from bdgregory

Is this typical Service?
$75 and hour charge is reasonable - and pretty consistent with what I've experienced with other companies. In my experience, the minimum service charge is 1 hour which I think it fair. 4 hours minimum to check them out seems really high - especial... 
Replacing Forests???
I've owned a pair of Sttafs for 2 years now. I still think they're fantastic in many ways, and would recommend them to anyone. I've never tired of listening to them. I'm a fanatic for deep bass however, and in my room they were lacking. I was happ... 
Monitors secure on stands
I agree with Ttowntony. If I was in the market, I would steer clear or expect a big discount if inserts are added. Also, I used Blue-Tac to fasten GMA Europas, and Totem Mani-2s to the stands. It does a good job without damaging or blemishing the ... 
Import from Mexico
I had to pay $60 and change duty/brokerage for a $1000 preamp that I bought from a guy in Canada. It's a Musical Fidelity preamp, mande in Great Britain. As I understand it, if the item you're purchasing is manufactured in North America (including... 
Owning too many speakers
I have 6 pairs of speakers that I consider relevant at this point, plus some cheapos. All are more or less in use in a separate system/room. I just bought 2 new pairs makes 8 so will need to sell one or 2 sets soon to make room. I too like the var... 
Any AV pre/pro's or receiver with parametric EQ?
had a Sony TA-E2000esd that did. It's an old model with only Pro Logic, but one of their newer one might have the feature. 
Static in the balance knob, what can I do?
Actually WD-40 isn't crap, it's wonderful stuff when used for it's purpose. It's great for winterizing in-board boat motors.The Radioshack contact cleaner is just as cheap as WD-40 and works well. Craig Deoxit works better in my experience. Comple... 
Sub Upgrade for Music and Home Theatre
I'm a Rel fan - my Storm III is incredible for music, although I don't use it for home theater I can't imagine it's not equally, you need to use the high level cable connected to the speaker outputs of your amp. The ... 
Anyone rediscovering their old LP's?
ok double ditto . . .I did exactly the same thing a year ago. It was like getting 150 new albums (my old vinyl collection) all at once since I hadn't played them since the early 90's. I also have a used record store nearby and am amazed how well v... 
GMA europa, Where to audition
what exactly do you find lacking in your Rainmakers now? I had Europas and Totem Sttafs side by side for a while - and although I'm not sure how similar the Rainmaker is to Sttaf, I suspect they're closer to the Sttaf than to the Europas. I still ... 
audio shop repair costs
I had to have the Laser asm replaced in a NAD 341i cd player it cost me about $150 as I recall, the part was $65-75 of that I think. I was not happy at all . . . First, the laser shouldn't have died in the first place. 
Does one NEED multiple amps?
I have multiple amps (5 currently). I thought it was something I had to do because I was indecisive, compulsive, or had some other mental defect.I guess this means it's good. Hmm . . . feeling better about myself already :-) 
pink triangle pttoo
Actually, Khoubesserian's enterprise has its own web site with details of upgrades, spares, new models posted on it. 
Chroma Key "Graveyard Mountain Home"
Good point Meisterkleef - I have OSI too - which is perhaps a little more "musical" than "Graveyard Mountain Home". It also is extremely well recorded and engineered, and both can be great demo's of the system though I think "Graveyard Mountain Ho... 
Meditative Music for Quiet Concentration
some good ones listed above, particularly Marakanetz's list and the Tord Gustovsen reference. Another that's always done it for me is "Matchbook" with Ralph Towner and Gary Burton. Something about the Vibes and acoustic guitar that helps me concen...