
Responses from barrelchief

Recommendations for Tube Amp Repair Tech in US?
Response Audio in Endicott, NY may be able to help you. Bill is a great guy. He builds & mods amplifiers, big time w/tube gear, I believe tubes exclusively. 
buffalo terastation - doesn't allow special charac
If you contact Buffalo, please share your info with us.I too am going w/Sonos. My Buffalo 500GB NAS arrived today. Before I open the box, I'd like to know if I should consider another NAS option.Thanks 
Best speakers for off-axis listening
Check out the DA-1 from Daedalus Audio. It is designed to address your concern. 
Did 6moons post the BelCanto DAC3 review?
...a fat check or a fact check???Ok, ok...sorry, but I couldn't resist. 
REL Product Lines
There is a full page ad in the new (Feb '07) TAS, introducing REL's new T-Series subs.Does anyone know anthing about these? they perform compared to the Britannia line?I find it hard to beleive that they will perofrm as well as some of their... 
Tube Preamps...I'm sold
The Calypso from Aesthetix is a killer performer & value @ $4500 MSRP.Balanced, Remote, sounds fantastic. Seriously , it performs up there with some pre's that are approaching 10K.Enjoy! 
MBL 1531 Describe Sound...Step up from EMC-1 ???
Hi Elberoth2:Though I started this nearly a year ago, I do appreciate you chiming in with your experience.Since starting this thread, I have not yet changed digital sources. However, because of some planned system changes, I am now fairly sure tha... 
I am considering buying Aria audio amps.
Pat:Maybe with "voicing" options done at the factory and some tube rolling, one could improve the bass. But, I doubt that it will come close to the pounding the Krell amps did in my system.Also, it is quite possible that Mike has redesigned some a... 
I am considering buying Aria audio amps.
I auditionned them around 5 years ago. Though they were lovely in the mids/highs, they were very weak in the "slam" department.I mostly listen to rock, and some jazz. They just did not "do it" for me, as they lacked in bass heft and punch.At the t... 
Computer based music collection ??
Btstrg:I have been looking into this, over the past year. I actually purhased an Olive Opus when they were first released. I ended up selling it, as I was disappointed in its playback via analog outputs. However, in all fairness, I was comparing a... 
CDP's that have Digital Inputs
Sufentanil:I likely will be setting up a Sonos network in my home. All of the computer equipment will be in my 1st floor office. My 2-channel listening room is in my basement, where I will have a Sonos zone player connected via ethernet cable.I am... 
Best path for PC audio into the big rig..
Blindjim:Like you, on my short list are the Monarchy & Benchmark. The 3rd that I am considering (in this price range) is PS Audio's new Digital Link III.Though there is not a lot of "buzz" out there on this piece, it looks very interesting. 
Moscode 401HR's Sonic Character
711:Though I likely will dive into this fairly soon, I have not yet changed power amps...likely will be staying w/SS.Please share your thoughts once you have yours.Enjoy! 
Newbie.. what CDP/DAC for Krell 400xi and ML SL3
Before reading Jond's comment; the first thing that came ot mind when looking at your current set up is to get some tubes or a "warm" sounding source in there.You may be headed for a very "sterile" analytical sound that is uninvolving. 
REL Subs with H2O Amplifiers
Thanks Snipes.I hope that I have similar results and don't feel the need to change amps, just so that I can use the Neutrik