
Responses from barrelchief

Moscode 401HR's Sonic Character
Come on, nobody owns or has auditioned this amp??? 
Elektrocompaniet emc1 up mk.ll as transport...
I have a spin-off from the original question...Not specifically the Benchmark DAC, but has anyone gone to an external DAC with thier EMC-1 24/192? If so...What DAC are you using/have you tried? What sonic differences? How long did you or have you ... 
Daedalus DA-1: How Good Are They?
Aside from craftsmanship of the Daedalus speakers certainly being impressive (from the perspective of quality, hand built furniture,) I feel that the hardwood cabinet vs. the common MDF cabinet, plays a big role in the DA-1's "live music" characte... 
Daedalus DA-1: How Good Are They?
Ditto!(can you tell that I really am enjoying my DA-1's?)...3+ hours of non-fatiguing pleasure last night. DA-1 owners, for a fun time, I highly recommend Steely Dan's Live Across America cd from '93-94. 
Daedalus DA-1: How Good Are They?
Ditto & Enjoy! 
Purist or Kubala-which to buy for entire system
My comment is not about the Emotion IC's. However, I had K-S's Fascination XLR IC's running from my Synergy IIi to JRDG Model 12's and then a JRDG Model 302. I think that any of the top 3 Kubala-Sosna balanced IC's will be what you are looking for... 
Purist or Kubala-which to buy for entire system
I have recently added a few more K-S PC's, bringing all of my cabeling to K-S. I have to completely agree with Rcprince. The days of focusing on the gear are well behind me. Now it is all about the music...and this includes some significant downsi... 
Audio Research Reference CD-7
Ok, how about feedback from anyone else who owns or has demo'd this player??? 
Audio Research Reference CD-7
Branimir:Several months have passed. Please share your experience with the Audio Research CD7.There are a few of us who are looking to maximize our redbook playback quality, while making poorly recorded cd's sound more tolerable/smoother.How is th... 
Insurance question
I just switched insurance carriers. Aside from better rates, one of the reasons for my decision to switch was a very reasonable "all-risk" rider for my audio electronics.For the same covereage, my previous carrier was 3-4X more costly.Review your ... 
Mcintosh C-2200 or Aesthetix Calypso?
I too bought my Calypso without hearing it regrets! 
Mikeaudio:It has been 2 years and nothing (that I am aware of) has happened.Interest runs hot and cold, but nothing seems to get off of the ground.I personally do not have the time to lead the parade.In the past, members; "" (Bflo ... 
Aesthetix Calypso, Tuberolling questions?
Perfectionist:Please describe the characteristics of the GE tubes in comparrison to the others when in your system, and explain why you feel that the GE is "a great rock 'n roll tube."I too have the Calypso and primarily listen to Rock & Jazz.... 
Daedalus DA-1
Whoa, check this out, kids...Mr. & Mrs. Daedalus are the proud new parents of the DA-1's little brother...the DA-2 
Daedalus DA-1
If my comment came across as though I was bashing anything, I apologize. I was shocked that Dodgealum left his demo session with anything but an A+ reportcard. My comments were only to back up that the shortcomings that Dodgealum described do not ...