
Responses from barrelchief

Daedalus DA-1
I estimate that I now am between 200-300 hours, breaking in my DA-1's, and they just keep getting more enjoyable with each listening session. As Dodgealum & I have discussed offline, I whole heartedly believe that two major factors contributed... 
Kubala-Sosna Cables..... I don't get it ?????
You hear lots-o-chat about the Emotion cables, which come with a heafty price tag (in many eyes.) I must chime in and go to bat for the (often in the shadows) K-S Fascination series of cables.With the exception of recently upgrading my SC's to the... 
Best undiscovered speakers on the market today ? I am about 2/3 through the 300 hour break-in on my DA-1's and they just keep on getting better! 
Upgrade path from Rowland Model 10
Stew:I agree that the 10 is likely a little "warmer" sounding than the 201's. For the fun of it, you may want to try and flip-flop your bi-amp arrangement. I think that the 201 might offer more openness & "air" with greater high frequency exte... 
Upgrade path from Rowland Model 10
I had the Model 12's and chased my tail with other amps. Looking back, I should have kept my 12's and a bunch in my wallet. Unless you have $ to burn, if you are happy with the 10's, keep them and enjoy them for a long time. You have a great amp.S... 
Great Copper Cables?
Kubala-Sosna Cables should be on your audition list. http://www.kubala-sosna.comThey have various models at multiple price points. I use thier Fascination Series cables. They have 2 models that better these. Frankly, at times I cannot imagine how ... 
JRDG Multiformat Player
I am very sure that Rich Maez had been working on a universal player.Though my understanding is that it will look simliar to the Rowland gear, it will not be a Rowland product.I beleive that Rich's background is with both Wadia and JRDG. 
Daedalus Audio DA-1
It is funny that Nakolawala mentionned about the highs not being as extended as he expected, as this seems to be my only negative observation at this point...not to the point that I don't like the speakers, just not as extended as I am used to fro... 
Daedalus Audio DA-1
By no means am I anywhere near the recommended 300 hours for 100% break-in. However, with the relatively little amount of play that my DA-1's have had, they sound very nice.I don't know that I will have the time for a formal "review." However, I c... 
Daedalus Audio DA-1
Since posting that in August, I went and listened to them and shortly after, I bought'm. They have quite a way to go in the break-in process. So far, I am very pleased.What did they use as a source, amplification and cables for the show demo?Thank... 
Less fatiquing
Years ago, I went through the smae thing with Krell's amps. If you are not planning to cross the line into the tube camp, Jeff Rowland & H2O are amps that you may wish to consider auditioning, in aadressing your complaint with the Bryston.Real... 
Cary 303/300 vs. Audio Aero Capitole CDP
Thanks for all of the input thus far. For those of you who have the AA, please breifly explain the potential function capabilities without using a separate pre amp.I understand that this unit has a volume control and therefore can run directly to ... 
Which integrated amp is better?
I cannot tell you about either of these amps. However, I can tell you that I recently went to Response Audio to hear the Daedalus Speakers and found Bill to be everything that you would want from a dealer. He is a gentleman who obviously cares qui... 
Speaker upgrade help needed: 4500$ used
Sorry Guys...that was meant to be an email, not a post on the thread. 
Speaker upgrade help needed: 4500$ used
Hi Geoff:Two items in this thread have caught my attention...(1) I listen to a lot of Steely Dan (2) The manufacturer of my Meadowlark Blue Heron's voiced their speakers around Patria Barber recordings.I mention this because I may be selling my Bl...