
Responses from barnettk

Bright or Dim?
@nonoise LOL no you did not do that.... too funny. 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
@aberyclark "I'm sure it gets worse as you go up the food chain. Imagine trying to return $4,000 cables and the pushback you'll get?Oh man I bet your correct.  You know someone made a good point a couple bubbles above that said (and Im paraphrasin... 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
@2010challengeranWhat a horrible experience. Im sorry you had to go through that. Good for you for returning it, and your absolutely correct about how you handled it. I wonder if that company is still in business. These companies cannot afford to ... 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
"It was a nice experience, not at all like what @barnettk went through."Im not saying I had a bad experience to be fair to Morrow Audio. I think they believe in their product and want to avoid people from pre-maturely returning their product prior... 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
@elizabeth "Amazing that Morrow would try to stonewall your returning the cord. That is terrible. I hope everyone reads that and realizes that Morrow are not keeping their 'word'. I would use harsher language but I do not want to have my post dele... 
Bright or Dim?
david_ten"This is about the ability to center oneself and the ability to direct and isolate focus. Those good at it can do so under remarkable conditions or circumstances."Thats a excellent point. Never thought of it that  way.  
Bright or Dim?
@elizabeth All day? Must be nice. I wish I could listen to music all day everyday. Spoken like a retiree (thats just a guess no harm meant)  
Bright or Dim?
@glupson haha. Yep. Agreed. Maybe sounds better is not a good way to phrase it. Im sure that " music" sounds the exact same unless audio equipment knows when its dark or light lol. So lets go with that..."more enjoyable" That way its totally subje... 
Bright or Dim?
@tastyfreeze “I thought it was how some tubes get classified.”How is that? 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
@aberyclark I hear you. I did not mention this because it will just take us back to where we started but may as well Bring it up. When I pulled the cable off the device I was using for the burn in and I immediately installed it in my reference sys... 
Bright or Dim?
if You want to discus this further send me a private msg so we don’t waste others time  that actually may be intersted in the topic. Not going to waste there time bickering with you about something between you and I.  
Bright or Dim?
How the heck did we go from listening to music in a dimly lit room to his crap. Incredible.  
Bright or Dim?
You know someone told me that you like to go around this forum keeping up mess. Really.  Do you even I kw how to have fun? I’m sure there are ones things you can be doing.  It’s people like you that give the term audiophile a negative connotation.  
Bright or Dim?
Geoff not sure if you realized it. It this time it’s supposed to be a non controversial post lol.  
Bright or Dim?
@geoffkait well it was more of a comment. For that matter neither does Micro Arcing but who’s counting :)