
Responses from barnettk

Bright or Dim?
@geoffkait  i knew new you would not be able to pass that one up. 😂 
Bright or Dim?
LoL. I was just waiting LOL.  
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
So does a CD get read from the edge to the center or from the center to the edge (opposite of how a stylus tracks a record)? 
Bright or Dim?
@stevecham you know interesting enough I never listen to music with my eyes closed. I will fall asleep. Also I would not be able to keep them closed in a brightly lit room. I guess I have thin eyelid syndrome or something :). I like doing everythi... 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
@aberyclark dude you must be reading my mind.  
Skeptic or just plain hard headed talks about this pretty soon after his intro.  
Bright or Dim?
@stringreen  "Do they sell any of the old 100 watt bulbs anymore?" is the only place I can find them. So I usually order a bunch. 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
Ha. I just ran across a YouTube video where Paul from PS Audio is talking about this very topic. He believes it works but did not know why, or why the color Green was needed.  
Bright or Dim?
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
@elizabeth. Wow. Now that is a process and I thought I was meticulous before I play a record. I always just figured since there is no physical contact happening with the laser that it would not be as sensitive to small amounts of dust. My CDs dont... 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
So do you do this to your CDs? 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
Oh Nice Geoff.  
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
@geoffkait thsts a good explanation at least. Most people just say it’s magic. We will see if anyone else adds to it. So reducing read errors and adding weight to the outer edge does that make the music sound better? I’m seriously asking because I... 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
@aberyclark. Yep your right. We are easy targets in this hobby for sure. However if you have the money and if it makes you hear what you want to hear I say go for it. Not going to judge. I do feel that a lot of people in this hobby replace/add thi... 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
Wait I just re-read his post. He did not say he bought into the idea of green rings. He said: "If you think putting little green rings around the edge of CDs is kind of kooky you would probably think the things I do routinely verges on satanism."I...