
Responses from barnettk

Skeptic or just plain hard headed
@mrdecibel. MR D. I feel that power cables do indeed make a difference I SQ. It would be difficult for me to believe interconnects make a difference after burn in and not believe the same thing about a power csble. Unless you suggest otherwise. Th... 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
We can agree on that at least. (No sarcasim meant) 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
Fair enough. Let’s just leave it at that. However you can’t tell me what I heard and what I didn’t hear. That’s just your opinion. Which is fine by the way. I knew going in that I would not please everyone. Not trying to. Just reporting as honestl... 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
Please do your insulting my intelligence.  
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
I never said they are the only ones. Im saying the next cable I purchase will need to sound good out of the box. Just like my AQ cable did and if it gets better over time that’s a bonus. I agree and I think I made the point that MA was transparent... 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
I think it’s worth saying. I’m not throwing shade on Morrow Audio. Their product did exactly what they said it would do. IMO they are not just saying something to make you buy their product then be disappointed after the return policy expires. The... 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
@ieales which is why I did not only use the tape for the test. However since there were sonic differences and the differences were better on the over recorded section of the tape still proves  the point. I actually anticipated some degradation on ... 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
Thanks. It was fun.  
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
Results:For those who just want the short and sweet answer and to get on with their lives.  Burn-in of audio cables or at least this particular cable does make a difference in how that cable sounds in your system. If you want to know how much keep... 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
Warming up the system and will report back as soon as I can. 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
@twoleftears yep. As soon as I wrap up my work day I will start my comparison. Looking forward to it. Then I have to write up a conclusion and the wheel will go round and round again lol. However it should be fun.  
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
@oranfoster Oran. Thank you for the information on the ultrasonic. I think Santa is going to have to bring one on over. I have been considering one like I said for some time. I currently use a spin clean, along with the record doctor vacuum machin... 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
@oranfoster one other question. Have you ever damaged a record by leaving it in to long or having it set to high?  
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
@oranfoster very nice system especially for commercial space. Nicely done. So question for you. I am considering an ultrasonic record cleaner. Truthfully (not that you wouldn’t be anyway) so they really work as good as the hype? I REALLY want one.  
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
Well folks tomorrow will be 400+ hours