
Responses from axle

Buzz from preamp
It is about 7 years old. I agree it's time to re-cap. Question is, which caps in addition to the electrolytics? 
USB cable hype
Ozzy, You're using the IFI usb power supply with the BDP-2 and DirectStream? 
USB cable hype
Bill, I hear you. But I am optimistic that we are getting to that point where they won't matter.Optical has dispersion and the O/E converter generates noise. Therefore, you are technically correct that you can't eliminate noise altogether. But opt... 
USB cable hype
Ozzy, what is your source and DAC? 
USB cable hype
Optical is a good choice. Locate the source far away from the DAC, use an optical cable, and you have no noise. Use an asynchronous DAC with error correction and you have no jitter and no errors. No noise, no jitter, no errors! What more could you... 
USB cable hype
Kijanki, I like the Airport Express implementation. I tried AE with both optical and analog outputs. I'm pretty sure that my Meridian G68 processor uses a FIFO buffer with synchronous clocking. Therefore, the AE jitter is transferred. In your case... 
USB cable hype
Thanks for the link. I like it.There are four transfer modes: control, interrupt, bulk, and isochronous. It seems that bulk transfer (as long as the buffer is large) is the way to go. “Interrupt and bulk data transfers conclude with a handshake pa... 
USB cable hype
Kijanki, If USB DACs use off-the-shelf USB chipsets (why not?), then they can detect errors and negotiate re-transmission. The bits should be error-free. 
USB cable hype
Zd542, I have seen dual headed USB cables with one connector dedicated to power and the other to signal. But I am not sure about which thread you mean. I searched "Dual Headed USB hookup" in Audiodon and nothing came up. 
USB cable hype
Kijanki, Your point about checksums is interesting. Let's say that a packet is dropped. What would take the place of the dropped packet? Would it be that the contents of previous packet are duplicated? Dropped packets are problematic regarless of ... 
USB cable hype
Here is a link showing a good USB eye vs bad eye. Here is a USB chip vendor's failing eye diagram. eye is open. The oth... 
USB cable hype
Hi Kijanki, I agree with everything you said except for this one thing: "...jitter does not even apply here".Just because the source clock isn't used inside the DAC doesn't mean that it has no effect. The DAC clocks data only after it reaches the ... 
USB cable hype
Thanks Sd542. I was originally thinking functionality only because bit errors should be zero in the audio range. But digging deeper, I realize that may not be true. Some USB cables may result in fewer errors than others. In which case, it's not on... 
USB cable hype
At least my post is seeking a discussion which has value, even if you don't think so. On the other hand your post has no value. Troll. 
USB cable hype
My OP asked about need not preference for expensive USB cables. This could have been posted more clearly. Need is about functionality. Preference is about whatever floats your boat including SQ, looks, durability, and reliability. But, I am glad t...