USB cable hype

Can someone explain the need for expensive USB cables for short runs? The only parameter of concern is impedance. I personally have verified error-free transmission in the Gbps range regardless of cable make/model as long as the cable length is short. There is no magic. It is just about impedance control to minimize loss and jitter. This is inexpensive in the MHz range. I will pay more for a cable that it is well built. I will not pay more for hocus pocus.

Have a look at this new thread. "Dual Headed USB hookup?"

You may find it interesting. I've never seen a USB cable set up like this before.
Kijanki, Your point about checksums is interesting. Let's say that a packet is dropped. What would take the place of the dropped packet? Would it be that the contents of previous packet are duplicated? Dropped packets are problematic regarless of how they are manged. The only good solution is o resend the packet.

With a buffer large enough for several minutes of audio, there would be ample time to resend packets. Does USB audio comply fully to USB standard specifications? The answer to that question would go a long way. Thanks.
Zd542, I have seen dual headed USB cables with one connector dedicated to power and the other to signal. But I am not sure about which thread you mean. I searched "Dual Headed USB hookup" in Audiodon and nothing came up.
Axle, I'm assuming, that without resending it would be 1ms gap. Not bad if it happens once but can sound pretty bad if frames are dropped often. I found some info and interesting computer audio FAQ site:
Kijanki, If USB DACs use off-the-shelf USB chipsets (why not?), then they can detect errors and negotiate re-transmission. The bits should be error-free.