
Responses from avideo

Suggestion for buying and selling on the site
I agree with Bob. I recently had a buyer back out on a sale of an item here for what I consider a very minorreason. Despite that, I'm sure I will sell the item tosomeone else. I did not feel it was necessary to post anyfeedback on the buyer - as t... 
Help with purchase of power conditioner
I would seriously look into some of the new line of PanamaxPower Conditioners. I have one of the newer models - theMax 5300 - and along with several AudoPrism Quiet Lineplug-ins (about $25.00/each) - and my audio system is absolutely silent when n... 
Music Hall MMF CD 25 or ???
I would also like to recommend you seriously look intobuying a Music Hall MMF 25 CD Player. I've had mine forabout six weeks and just love it. I have an all McIintoshsystem with Thiel speakers; and bought it after listeningto other CD players incl... 
Suggestions For Phono Preamp....
Thank you to everyone who posted suggestions for a phonopreamp. Since I am just getting started with records -I've decided not to "break the bank" just yet. Also, I'mtaking into account that most of the records I will betransfering to CD are mass ... 
Global Music Sales Fall- Solution go analog
This is NOT news. I'm in the media duplication business;and it's well known that the major record companies arein deep doo-doo financially. The trade magazines in myindustry have been talking about sliding CD sales formonths. But instead of produc... 
LISTENER Magazine...What Do You Think?
I would like to thank everyone who posted an opinion tomy question. After reading your comments and consideringthe type of gear I favor - McIntosh electronics and Thieland B&W speakers - I am going to drop LISTENER when mysubscription expires ... 
What is your most anal audio habit?
I have the same habit as Danielk141 - I will not play orput away any CDs that have that have that adhesive residuethat comes from the "protection" stickers placed on newCDs. I personally find this a very annoying part of gettinga new CD. The recor... 
Cambridge or Music Hall??
I would go with the Music Hall MMF-25! I looked at bothplayers and thought the Music Hall had a better transportand build quality. Also, there is a recent thread on thisboard that mentions several failures of the Cambridge 500SE. I also listened t... 
cornfedboy, signing off
CFB - I just want to wish you the very best with yournew situation here at Audiogon. I have both enjoyed andincreased my audio knowledge from your various posts overthe past few months. Your thoughts will be missed on thismessage board - but your ... 
Cambridge Audio D500SE vs Arcam CD72
I would go with the Arcam CD72. Better build quality anda more refined sound. I was also looking in the same price range as the D500SEand wound up buying the new Music Hall MMF-25 CD Player.I thought the D500SE sounded fairly decent, but thoughtth... 
David - Glad to hear you have become a proud owner of aMcIntosh tuner. I'm sure it will bring you many hours oflistening pleasure. As the owner of a MR-73 myself, I would like to suggesta possible interconnect to use. I'm not sure what sort ofele... 
Speaker Recs for McIntosh and Jupiter Combo?
You might want to look into some of the current modelThiel speakers. I have an all McIntosh system except for my CD Player; and I'm using Thiel 3.5s - which sound betterthan ever. Some folks tend to classify Thiel speakers as being "toobright". Qu... 
marantz cdr500 recorder/playback quality
I have owned the CDR 500 for nearly a year; and have tosay that I have found the playback to be pretty decent.However, I am using it in a professional media duplicationstudio - and to be perfectly honest - I am much moreconcerned with the CD recor... 
Racks vs. furniture w/pods, points, aurios, etc?
You might want to consider the Salamander Synergy line. Notthe best in terms of rigid support - but if you have a homewith decent furniture (i.e. - Baker, Ethan Allen, etc.)it will not stick out like a sore thumb, either. Available in a variety of... 
need help - Cd players
Get the new Music Hall MMF-25 - a great sounding CD playerat a great price. Front loading too - not something youhave find a top shelf for - like the Rega Planet. I'm still breaking mine in - and it has better buildquality and sound than just abou...