Responses from audphile1
Stable component rack Ajazi, these are $4500 racks. A little over my price range.... | |
Why am I experiencing listener's fatigue? Vertigo, also consider auditionning Sonus Faber Cremona, Cremona Audior and Vienna Acoustics Strauss. I audiotioned these and thought they were pretty nice but a little too smooth sounding for me. I like a little more open sound, but if you experi... | |
CD Help I would check out the Wadia player and would consider it probably over the Marantz. Also look at used ARC CD3. | |
Solidsteel racks any good I just placed an order for a SolidSteel 5.5 rack with Music Direct. Bes said it's on its way to US and should be here soon(they didn't have it in stock). I found no reviews on these, but they look solid and I like the design. We'll see when I get ... | |
Stable component rack Bgrazman, sure looks nice that rack you made. But due to lack of time to make 1 myself, I ended up ordering SolidSteel 5.5. I hope it is as stable as it looks. I haven't heard bad things about it. More $ than Salamander I wanted to buy, but it wil... | |
Which components knocked you out on first listen? Walked into Innovative Audio here in Brooklyn about 7 years ago. Heard the Wilson Watt/Puppy with VPI TT. don't remember the pre and the amps(all tubes as I remember, could be VTL), but the sound I heard was amazing. Soundstage was so good, I didn... | |
DVD locked inside my Sony DVP-NS975V HELP I had this. I sent it to Sony for repair. They said they upgraded the software on the 975. I couldn't fix it myself. The display showed "TRAY LOCKED". that's it. I couldn't do a thing. In some case you can accidentally lock the tray with combo of ... | |
Optical or Coax Digital Out to a D-A Converter? try both see which q you prefer. contact cable company they will be able to advise you which opt or coax to try and they will loan you these 2. | |
audio mirror dac next week I'll borrorw it and give it a listen. as a matter of fact I will be using same interconnects and will just switch the inputs on my pre to see what goes on | |
audio mirror dac Clio, I read your review. I'm still convinced that the DAC-Ah is the basis for Audio Mirror. It even has the same circuit board | |
audio mirror dac Clio I don't want to rain on your parade here, but...... there is striking similarity between Audio Mirror dac and the $135.00(including shipping) Hong-Kong DIY kit DAC-AH. If you open your dac up, you will see that the only thing different from A... | |
audio mirror dac Clio, Vlad has 5 days trial. This is not enough for this thing. But, I will check it friend bought the new D2. I'll let you know how it compares to my Bel Canto Dac2 in the week or so. | |
Do tube dampers improve sound? I use the Herbies Audio Labs Hal-o dampers on the 6922 tubes in my ARC LS-15. They did make a difference. They cleared up the soundstage a little and separated things a little better, but don't expect night and day difference with 6922 tubes that ... | |
audio mirror dac clio...its interesting how you say that the Bel Canto DAC2 was no competition to D1. Although you never A-B them in your own system... | |
Your pick of CD player.... what about a dac? something like bel canto dac2 for example. its in your price range. I have it and really like it. very musical. you can sell your jolida and get this dac and pick up a sony s7700 on e-bay to use as a transport. pretty good combo.... |