Responses from audphile1
Are there different size toslink connectors? Bigkidz, this is the cable I was talking about when you send me an e-mail earlier. It can be configured different ways, tos-to-tos or tos-to-mini. check it out..... | |
Advice on stand alone DAC Running into Yamaha receiver? In my opinion buying an external dac would be a waste of money. Why not just run your DVD player into Yamaha via digital cable and use Yamaha's dac to do the work for redbook cd playback? Otherwise, if you really crav... | |
How to tame the midrange??? I own N803 and found the room acoustics to play a big role in the way these speakers sound. I use Echobusters corners and 8th nerve seems. Drapes behind the speakers and a rug on the floor. Seems that all these things do the job well. Also, and ma... | |
who makes a good toslink cable? WireWorld SuperNova3 or SuperNova5 - very affordable, glass toslink. Tell you the truth, in my system the differences between the 3 and 5 are very minimal. I use SuperNova5 just for the sake of having the latest version, but heard almost no improv... | |
Herbie's Hal-O tube dampener's on Calypso? That's cool John. By the way, back to Herbie's hal-O damping instruments. I experimented with them in my pre-amp and found them to work best(improvement is most noticable) when they are installed at the very top of the tube. Installing them in the... | |
Herbie's Hal-O tube dampener's on Calypso? didn't mean to read you a lecture... | |
Herbie's Hal-O tube dampener's on Calypso? John, I don't think tapping on tubes is such a good idea. It's very unlikely that this is a proper way of finding the most microphonic tubes. You can probably end up damaging the tubes like that. Here is a pretty cool article about NOS tubes that ... | |
How to tame the midrange??? Adding a dedicated tube stereo pre-amp will help a lot. There are excellent tube pre-amps with processor put-through, so you can still run your theater but for 2 channel stereo you will hav e a dedicated pre. Secondly, B&W speakers require bi-... | |
Cable Suggestions Acoustic Zen could also be added to your list. Silver Reference MkII interconnects with Hologram sp cable. Could all be had here on a-gon for much less than you want to spend and be tough to beat even by things costing a lot more $. Best of luck. | |
Herbie's Hal-O tube dampener's on Calypso? I beleive they offer some sort of trial period for these with money back policy. They are inexpensive even compared to some other less effective tweaks. I use them on all of the 6922 tubes in my ARC LS-15 pre and like the results. What they did in... | |
Blue Circle DAC BC501 I am still curious to see if anyone here owns this for a period of time long enough to be able to judge it against other digital sources. That would actually be nice - to see what it compares to. | |
Smoke and DVD Dude you must be smoking some good $hit, cause you can't even type. No wonder your DVD player is confused. No, for real man, you got to stop smoking this stuff or next your TV will be showing something totally wicked and you'll be posting to compl... | |
Tube Preamp Isolation do not use vibrapods with LS15. Kills the sound completely. As a matter of fact, I am not using anything under this pre, but am using hal-o tube dampers. They work great. | |
Jazz recommendations? Check this out. Might be what you are lookin for.Hiroko Kokubu - New York UncoveredClick the can listen to samples from this cd... | |
Classe CA-200 and B&W 805N combo?? B1 thing for sure - your amp is not contributing to harsh sound. I have/had 2 McCormack amps and they never sound harsh. SO look at your set up and speakers. |