
Responses from audiozen

D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
Thanks for the correction H2o..I read on a forum from 2010 that Henry went belly up. Tried to go to the IceH2o site and it was off line. Called the east coast phone number at the 804 area code for H2o and was disconnected. What is the current webs... 
Upgrade from Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE
Hang on to your STP-SE and get the upgrades done..circuit wizard Chris Johnson, former founder and President of Sonic Frontiers, is doing major upgrades to the STP-SE for Underwood HiFi, the only authorized retail dealer for Wyred4Sound. The compl... 
Best integrated amp for 10K
Correction...the price on the Musical Fidelity M6500I is $ 7000.00 
Best integrated amp for 10K
Do yourself some justice..give the power hungry Quads the Nitro they really need..the $6000.00 giant killer integrated..the Musical Fidelity M6500I..puts out 500 watts continuous into 8 ohms and 850 watts continuous into 4 ohms. Weighs 63 pounds. 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
Got an email from Dennis Deacon with D-Sonic today acknowledging my talk with Abletec that he's using Abletec amps. He evaluated and listened to Class D amps from different companies including Hypex and found the Abletec amps superior. 
Best bookshelf speakers???
Do yourself a favor..get "THE CLUE" bookshelf speaker out of Seattle from the Sjofn Company. The reviews have been over the top and Stereophile went nuts over it and rated it a 10/10. Other reviews have been remarkable. It will play lower than any... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
Whats the point?..Stratehed..check your tickets..I think you got on the wrong Airplane..the main focus of this thread is to highlight the engineering advancements in Class-D topology during the past several years such as in house designed switchin... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
Spoke to Rich today, who runs the Abletec branch office in New Jersey, he's currently at CES. He confirmed that indeed D-Sonic is using Abletec amps. He also mentioned that Parasound is premiering at CES a four channel amp using Abletec Class D mo... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ? obviously have not read through this thread to discover that three years ago D-Sonic was only using the B&O ICE amps in their two channel and mono amps and have switched to the Abletec amps from Sweden in 2011. Read the review fr... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
Raks..The Theta Class D mono block you speak of is their Prometheus amp which uses the new Hypex 1200 amp. Cost for the pair is $12K... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ? you want your tube amps to sound like tubes..but youdon't want an analog Class D solid state amp to sound about any tube fanatic on the planetwould put their tube amp in storage or sell it if a solid state Class D... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
Hmmm...what makes Tube Preamps so special? The bottom line..Tube Preamps exalt at creating an exotic, ultra smooth, seductive, full, three dimensional "FLOATING MIDRANGE", that solid state has yet to achieve until now.Audio Design Engineer Robert ... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
Its more than that Dennis Deacon explained it..there are inherent proplems wirh pulse modulation type Class D amps regarding linearity and feed back in the upper bands that compromise music quality which is why alternative modulating de... 
Coda 7X
The 7r is available in three versions. The single chassis selling for $6500.00. The twin chassis version with a separate power supply selling for $11K, and the two chassisversion with a separate power supply in a very large two story single chassi... 
Coda 7X
Are you sure you don't mean the new Coda 07r Preamp which has not been released yet? There is no "7X" mentioned on their site...