
Responses from audiozen

Aerial Acoustics vs. Joseph Audio
Hamburger..Michael Kelly last year dropped the source in China making the cabinets for the 7T's due to inconsistent quality in the finished cabinets and now uses the Hornslet company in Denmark that makes the cabinets for Aerial's top models. The ... 
Aerial Acoustics vs. Joseph Audio
"Aren't you the guy who maintained that the better artist is the one who sells more records?"...Nope..not me..Richard Nixon made that statement at a Love Fest he attended in Central Park in August, 1971. He was a hard core Audiophilewho loved Cros... 
Merrill Audio VERITAS Amps: Any other experiances?
Guido.. one of the articles I read during the past month on the history of Ncore/Hypex, appears to have conflicting accuracies. One article I read states tha the UcD power module that Bruno built in 2001 while working for Philips Digital Systems, ... 
Aerial Acoustics vs. Joseph Audio
Even though I've listened to the Aerial 7T's, I have only heard the Joseph Perspectives on YouTube where their is about half a dozen videos Jeff taped at the shows including RMAF and Axpona. Jeff did a good job recording and the speakers sound ver... 
Merrill Audio VERITAS Amps: Any other experiances?
You are wrong Guido..Quote from the 6Moons article.." Brunocame in contact with Jean Peter in 2001. "Bruno by then was working on a new Class D design," (The Ncore for Phillips). Ncore as I mentioned earlier, was and still is a Philips trademark i... 
Newclear NC1000L Amp
Emil..During the past two months I have received a number of emails from Jeff Dorgay, owner of Tone Audio Magazine. He will be posting online by the end of next week a complete review of the NewClear amp. Jeff mentioned he has listened to a lot of... 
Merrill Audio VERITAS Amps: Any other experiances?
Regarding bio info I mentioned earlier on the history of Hypex/Ncore which I extracted from sites such as HiFi+ and Test Seek, which turned out to be inaccurate. The best source for this info is the in depth interview with Bruno Putzeys and Jean P... 
Merrill Audio VERITAS Amps: Any other experiances? are incorrect and did not read cleary regarding the topology with the Abletec amps. His name is Patrik Bostrom, not Brostrom. On the Abletec website it decribes the ALC1000 amplifier using phase shift modulation, not pulse width mod... 
Merrill Audio VERITAS Amps: Any other experiances?
Take it easy Cisco...I'm referring to the original Ncore designs that Bruno developed..I was referring to Ncore only in my correction..not Hypex. Philips does own the patents on the original Ncore power modules and the Ncore trademark. Bruno can u... 
Merrill Audio VERITAS Amps: Any other experiances?
A little sterile? some chocolate. I'll wait fo the new Class D products to come out first this spring. Such as the new Bel Canto's with no switching module, the new Rowland's with the Pasquale amps, and the new M1's from Hypex, which I think ... 
Merrill Audio VERITAS Amps: Any other experiances?
Hifial..the article I read out of Europe was inaccurate portraying Hypex/Ncore being owned by Philips. Upon further investigation, heres the accurate truth. When Bruno worked for Philips before working for Hypex in 1996, he designed for Philips th... 
Merrill Audio VERITAS Amps: Any other experiances?
HYPEX..HYPEX..HYPEX..Seems to be a swooning love affair with Bruno Putzeys and one needs to get beyond putting him on a demigod pedestal..Hypex/Ncore is owned by Philips which of course has more than enough R&D funds for Bruno to tap into. How... 
Luxman 800 pre/pow combo vs Dartzeel CTH-8550
The Dart is way over priced. The Sim Moon Evolution 700i integrated is far superior to the Dart or Luxman. Sim designs their transitors and caps that are in the 700i. The Sim is a masterpiece both inside and out. 
Merrill Audio VERITAS Amps: Any other experiances?
Give me a break Guido..I started a thread several weeks ago to focus on D-Sonic/Abletec Class D amps only. Within the first five replys you and Wilsynet changed the subject to Hypex Ncore, shifting the direction of my thread. Any thing goes... 
Merrill Audio VERITAS Amps: Any other experiances?
Stay tuned for the new Rowland Class-D integrated, the Continuum Series 2, using the new Pasquale Class-D power modules. Rowland dropped B&O ICE for Pasquale. Rowland is the first to use this new Class-D design. 400 watts into 8 ohms and 800 w...