
Responses from audiozen

Spectron Musician III MK.2 or Audio Research DS450
The core problem with many Class D amps on the market such as Bel Canto, Nuforce, Red Dragon, Hypex, CIA, Wyred4Soundand other light weight, cool running switching designs is that they are wall dependent, needing to rely on dedicated 15 or 20 amp ... 
Hegel Amplifiers
Magfan in 1-2010 makes the statement that peak amperes ratings are near-real-world meaningless. Completely false. Peak amperes has nothing to do with the amount of current going to the speaker. It is the internal power reserve thats available to a... 
World's best Pre-amp for $10K and above?
Atmasphere.."damping factor has a basis in mythology"..disagree. The top mega-buck solid state amplifiers all havein common very high damping factor number's. A list of some of those amps..Soulutions 501 and 700 mono-blocs have a damping factor of... 
World's best Pre-amp for $10K and above?
I do not just rely on specs to determine the musical quality of an Amp or Preamp. If that were the case, I'd buy my separates through a mail order catalog without listening. The point I made is that the most expensive and most musical separates gl... 
Correction..I mentioned the first digital audio magnetic tape recorder wass developed in 1967 by Technical Research Labs of NHK Broadcasting in Japan. I neglected to mention,(my fault!) that same year Denon collaborated with Tech Research/NHT and ... 
World's best Pre-amp for $10K and above?
Facten..Its spelled humility..not humilitry.. 
World's best Pre-amp for $10K and above?
Something I like?..more like high tech innovations found in these products not common in most separates such as Soundengine technology..Linear voltage regulation..and algorithm formulas not found in other SACD/CD players..Hmmmmm...credibility?..I ... 
Ghostrider45..thanks for the correction on the early laser disc. I was aware that the video was analog and your info indicates the audio as well, in which the audio became digital in '97 with the DVD. Regarding perforation patterns on the player p... 
Two items I neglected to mention regarding the development of SACD technology.1. While working for Sony in California, digital engineer Andreas Koch designs and builds in 1997 the worlds first 8 channel DSD(SACD)recorder machine and also designed ... 
World's best Pre-amp for $10K and above?
"But "voicing" is not something that a competent designer of amps and preamps would engage in." What a load of crap. Do you think for one minute that if an amp and Preamp in a audio components company sound room sounds warm, bright, fast or slow i... 
Anyone auditioned Pass Labs XP-30 preamp?
Philipwu..I would take the Hegel P-30 over the Ayre KX-R in a heart beat. The Hegel is warmer, richer and fuller than the Ayre. One thing I don't like about the Ayre is the loud clicking sound of the volume control when you raise or lower the deci... 
World's best Pre-amp for $10K and above?
There is just a handful of Preamps on the market that have zero feedback, feed forward designs which vary from one company to another. Companies such as Luxman, Accuphase, Soulutions, FM Acoustics to name a few as well as others. However, all of t... 
Designer Hall of Fame
John Atkinson..give me a break. He became the very creaturethat J. Gordon Holt detested. Around 1961 J. Gordon worked for High Fidelity magazine and was instructed to favor and write false reviews praising audio products from companies that had th... 
Accuphase preamps
By the way Dave_72..what speakers will you be using with the A-46 if you decide to buy it? 
Spectron vs Parasound vs Cary vs ?
The discussion has to do with excessive heat problems. The more efficient the amp is the cooler it will run which is why Class D amps run cool due to pulse width modulation which moves well over 90% of the current at a constant stream to the outpu...