

Responses from audiotroy

Nucleus, is there a better alternative?
we are a server importer if you are streaming to the x1 a better core will not improve your sound however footersand a powercord wilimprove the x1  
Roon Core Server Player
Doug we have several clients who have tested our 432evo aeon vs the Statement and preferred the Aeon, the Master has been tested vs the Grimm and found to match it and with the masters new bass authority mode to improve upon its sound.   the Ev... 
Bookshelf speakers on a bookshelf (Sad)
we have the perfect solution   jern cast iron loudspeakers https://jernspeakers.com/ sealed cabinetsdesigned to go in a cabinet affordable incredibileimagining even in s cainet   alows for seemles integration with a small sub   great ... 
Opinions: Martin Logan Renaissance 15a vs. Bowers & Wilkins 800D3
a great amp is the unico 150 s beefy hybrid tube pramp coupled to a very potent solidatate amp section   Dave and troy audio intellect nj unison dealer  
Best speakers for Opera.
any good loudspeaker with excellent resolution can do an excellent job with opera   a more relevant question how big i s your room? what are you using now? budget?  
Looking for a DAC that's better than Mc C47
rsf the bricasti is a 5500 dac and  and it favors clarity over midrange bloom    so that is not the right avenue  a better question is how are you feeding the dac are you using stock power cords, power conditioning? vibration isolation?   oft... 
When a budget speaker is preferred to a high end one...
it really depends on what you are talking about many very expensive loudspeakers use very high resolution drivers and favor clarity over musicality so these speakers require careful matching to balance out the overall balance so adding a warmer da... 
Considering a new amp for my Vandersteen Quatro CT
We are a coda dealer so we are going to be biased th.8 is a fabulous amp clean detailed transparent while  still sounding a tad warm huge soundstage great bass the amp is in reality three different amps depending on bias You can order one way an... 
Sonus Faber Amati Trads or Serafinos + Gravis Vi?
personally for classic rock I would not do a Sonus faber they are too warm and lack the shimmer of a symbol also they don’t have enough dynamic punch   Look at a legacy focus a great rock loudspeaker and you can get a pair with built in sub woof... 
What speakers are you using with your BAT 75SE amp?
we had vr4 on the floor once a good speaker but not very transparent tons of better speakers the dalis we mentioned would astound you with the 75  
My last Integrated Amp: $5-10,000?
we specialize in integrated amplifiers    the coda csib was the best sounding integrated under 10k it bested the Luxman  a bit more 2500 this integrated beats the Levinson it is exactly what you seek amazing resolution a warn presentation outst... 
What speakers are you using with your BAT 75SE amp?
we were bat dealers for many years the 75 can drive a lot of speakers the 75 is a neutral tube amplifier so it wont fix a bright speaker    we have used dali loudspeakers the rubicons and epicons which worked very well   Dave and Troy audio i... 
Any thoughts on Salamander Synergy cabinets?
we are a salamanderdealer the synergy cant be beat modular configurable adjustable add doors ir controlsystems need it taller just swap posts need more shelves easy   Dave and Troy Audio intellect nj salamanderdealers  
Are There Roon Ready I2S Streamers?
von the 432 evos are upgradable and start at 3500 the high end sounds great and  costs 5500   we have a client using your holo Dac and he is very pleased by the pairing, Dave and Troy Audio intellect nj US importers 432EVO music servers   
asr is a misguided guy sinead means next to nothing you can hear 1 to 5 percent thd  anything lower means nothing. in fact amplifiers with ultra low sinead  means lots of negativre  feedback which sounds bad      it is like  measuring  horsepow...