

Responses from audiotroy

legacy calibres have very deep bass flat to38hz, and don't need a subwoofer   they sound great with Hegel     Save and Troy Audio intellect NJ Legacy and hegel dealers      
Snake oil of the year?
have you tried one? if not just go away    things are always being discovered that are new and if people hear an improvement that should be enough   naysayerslaughed at speakerspikes now everyon uses them isoacouhas proven their products do in... 
Speaker Suggestions $30K Sasha DAW competitor?
  at axpona we had a room with alta audio there new adam speakers sounded as good as the daws yet cost half as much   the latest borresons are mind blowing   Dave and Troy audio Intellect nj alta and borrenson dealers    
Amps replacement
if you are in europe why not look at european manufacturers   t+a makes extraordinary  amps electrocompaniets amps are really good so are chord      
Focal Diablo EVO vs Prior Gen(s)
we are a focal dealer the evos sound way better       
Outdoor/pool.deck system
we are a custom installer bluesound  node into a seperate amplifier makes more sense   
What speakers replaced your VR4 jr
we are a dealer we had them there are a number of speakers we liked more    dali rubicons 6 kef reference 3 legacy se all loudspeakers  with much more advanced rivers the 4s were good but didnt live up to the hype    Dave and troy  audio Int... 
Wisdom Audio
They are good however there are a number of competitors that are also really good the new dali inwalls are amazing and a fraction of the price also james makes a large in walldesigned for very large rooms   it realldepends on anumber of factors ... 
we are apersona dealer and we sell servers the 432Evos we srll an amazing dac streamer from avik the S180 as per wifi vs ethernet a good wifi to ethernet bridge is your solution knowing the personas you should look at a very warm sounding dac ao... 
100% USA designed & made DAC
bricasti made in ma   
Are the Paradigm Founders 100F a big upgrade over 85F's
she isn’t wrong the 85s can sound amazing if matched with the right gear the founders are definitely a large step up in the areas we indicated  
Are the Paradigm Founders 100F a big upgrade over 85F's
We are long time Paradigm dealers yes the founders series is a huge improvement over the 85s.    the founders have a cleaner treble with less splashy high end the midrange is smoother and the drivers integrate better, the founders image better ... 
Has anyone compared the Coda CSib to a Jeff Rowland Continuum S2?
op the rowland is a class d ice based product in a nice case we have tested ice, hypex and ncore amplifiers non sounded as good as our claas A/b reference amplifiers   to date the only class d amplifier we have experienced that was truly amazin... 
Are Their any Tube Preamp with Home Theater Bypass?
oddio the way we described works perfectly it just requires you to adjust the pramps volume which you must recall a piece of tape with an arrow works or if your preamp has a numerical display you just have to use that  number on the display so in... 
Anything close to Hegel H360 but smaller/lighter?
op the forte looks like it is based on the paradigm pw amps   the hegel gear is going to be far superior we used to sell the PW amp. you can get a lower wattage hegel then the 390 the 190 is both cheaper and lighter we have a store with a huge...