

Responses from audiotroy

Aqua LaScala MkII NUC question
we are an aqua dealer and got great sound using  usb from our dedicated server   our servers isolate the clock and usb so they send a pristine signal to the dac   Dave and Troy Audio intellect nj aqua hifi dealer   
Need help with going with Integrated or preamp for Focal Diablo EVO
we are a displaying focal utopia dealer   give us a call we have a perfect  integrated for you   Dave and Troy Audio intellect  nj focal utopia dealer   
Magnepan .7 Alternatives
we have a set of amazing mini monitors that will give you a warmer sound with more precise imaging    the speakers are jern cast iron and graphite loudspeakers 0 cabinet resonances so they sound like planners  and they match with your subs  we... 
GoldenEar Triton Reference for a large room...
streo e4e were selling legacy at the same time stil like the tritons however like the lreacys more  
Best Way To Connect A Bluesound Node
We are a bluesound dealer after reading your post Ehernet hookup the ess dac in the macintosh wil sound better  neveruse optical coax or usb willl be best  With such a nice system you may want to explore even better streamers later The nnode ... 
DAC suggestions
you dont need to change the dac the cary preamp is really liquid you may love the sound of your system with the cary.   dacs like the aqua are offering the liqid rich sound yoy are craving the bricasti is a fantastic dac but it is not liquid i... 
Recommendations for HiFi Listening Room
We are a persona dealer the 3f is a fantastic speaker you need a really good sub or they wont work well in that space also due to their extreme resolution they can be too bright in an untreated room,    Also you can get a far better amp then a m... 
Where to invest the most in the "digital chain"?
we have more experience here than most we have tried almost every major streamer out there and the sound improved dramatically from one device We started with Auralic then Aurender then Innous then the 432evo servers.   we also tried the roon nu... 
Request recommendations to purchase a streaming device
we sell a number of streamers really depends on the level of sound qualit you are looking for a really high end server will beat a streamer   we work with a ton of different streaming devices we sell nad naim atoll avik and 442Evo servers in t... 
Network Bridge/Streamer only for Qobuz
we sell the atolll and used to sell lumin we sell curently the 432 evo servers   we specialize in streaming we sell nad,naim,mytek,nupprime,atoll,avik and many others.   please feel free to reach out to our shop we can guide you Dave and Troy... 
Walk me thru upgrading from my BS Node
432evos ervers sound amazing are upgradeable and start at 3500   no wifi but work eithan wifi to ethernet adapter not tiny full size chasis you can stack your dac on top   Dave and Troy Audio intellect nj 432EVOs Us importer  
Hegel owners - what speakers are you using
we are a hegel dealer atc scm11sounds great with your amp   rhe atc have a very realistic midrange very tight bassss and incredibile imaging      
KEF LS60 with a pair of KC62s v Blade 2
we are a kef dealer the ls 60 in no way competes with the blades   the blades are a much more advanced design and sound far superior the ls 60 are designed as a starter lifestyle loudspeaker the blade is a state of the art passive   two totall... 
Aurender N200
here is another option   imagine an upgradable product line of servers tha allows you to start at an ebtry level server and you can upgrade all the way to their top of the line server   and as better parts becone availabile you can upgrade as ... 
A Streamer or Dedicated DAC With McIntosh MX110Z???
You are worrying over nothing having a variable analog out in your case would be a good thing your old preamp probably doesnt have remote control of volume if it doesnt then having a unit with that feature would be good   as per dac plus streame...