

Responses from audiotroy

Dealers hijacking the discussions
I would like to retort to a couple of you guys. Frstly so sorry to appear to you to be a "shill" however when a person such as Ctstooner, mentions in nearly every thread how great Vandersteen’s are how come none of you questions if he is a "shill"... 
Dealers hijacking the discussions
sbai I am not reffering to you or suggesting anythiing negative about you at all. We all need to calm down and see the merit for what it is and if you think someone is a shill don’t read their posts. simple or even better seek out your local deale... 
Dealers hijacking the discussions
The solution to all of this is simple NO One should be attacking anyone on these forums.If you perceive that someone’s advice a poster, a moderator a dealer, or anyone on these forums is not to your tastes, or for some personal gain, just be a gro... 
Dealers hijacking the discussions
Sabai who is getting abused. Grgr4blu chimes in and attacks and attacks and attacks. I am not goint to allow this without rebuttal. His behavior is about revenge for feeling slighted in someway by me. It does not belong in the forums.My perceived ... 
Dealers hijacking the discussions
Gpgr4blu,You may have issues, with me, however, many people are having them with you as well.As per knowledge you take offense that someone who is younger than you might know more, which might have been your percevied slight and what you felt was ... 
Dealers hijacking the discussions
Thank you Ethiessen you are correct sir! Oh and for hijacking a thread Grgr4blu is doing that very thing on another post on Paradigms by chiming in to attack me and not adding anything,It works both ways. 
Searching for the most "accurate" speaker (below 15K)
Grgr4blu i am sure you are the expert on accuracy in all matters of life.Oh by the way you are hijacking the thread. 
Dealers hijacking the discussions
As per Bo not even close. I have read his posts, I do talk about my products in a positive mannor, I also do mention they are a flavor and are very good products. All of my brands are major ones that have major industry accolades, wether or not yo... 
Dealers hijacking the discussions
Okay my supporters are fake how many fake Wilson supporters or Vandersteen supporters or Lamm or ARC of whatever.The reality is these people are real, and have found out that I really do know my stuff, and have either been to my store or have actu... 
Dealers hijacking the discussions
Jb why don’t you take your own advice. If you can’t determine a sales pitch from a conversation maybe you should.The only reason I mentioned that was due to Grgr4blu starting it.My posts are hardly off topic, if it wasn’t a certain person adding f... 
Most overrated bands
Dude I would agree with you on U2, best albums Joshua Tree, and their first album with Gloria and I will followbut come on The WHO Pete Townsend is a musical genius, Tommy, Quadropenia?  Their early British version of American Rythem and Blues?Led... 
Unison Research S6 vs S9 vs Sinfonia
Pani the Preludio, is a bit more powerful and has more kick, it doesn’t have the same sense of  presence of the S6.As long as you dom’t push it the S6 is awesome sounding. Please PM if you want more details.Dave and TroyAudio Doctor NJ 
Downsizing Speakers in Main Listening Room - Your Feedback on Some options
Willem his room is 16 by 20 and is open floor plan. That means more bass.Your 4 woofer idea is great from an acoustic point of view but for many audiophiles who dont have dedicated rooms this will never happen.Îf he has to turn it up to hear detai... 
Looking for a monitor with great midrange
Missed that one to.KEF LS 50 used would be a good choice 
Downsizing Speakers in Main Listening Room - Your Feedback on Some options
Your $2500 budget is a little low to get something way better than the Synco 1 low level detail has a lot to do with a systems resolution. Have you tried or considered moving to a much better digital front end as the PS unit you have is an ok dac ...