

Responses from audiotroy

Magico S5 Speaker - SET UP ADVICE PLEASE - Tow-In - Etc.
Fsmithjack,Welcome to the world of high resolution for both the pros and cons. When you have a hyper detailed speakers you will be aware of all of the tiny things that can affect the systems tonal balance and utlimate performance.We have the Perso... 
Magico S5 Speaker - SET UP ADVICE PLEASE - Tow-In - Etc.
Fsmithjack, Here are a few ideas for you;1: Enormous improvement moderate cost $1,200.00 get a set of Isoacoustics Gaia footers the Gaia Ones can handle 200 pounds so your 220 weight is still workable. The Gaias make an amazing improvment in tight... 
Magico S5 Speaker - SET UP ADVICE PLEASE - Tow-In - Etc.
There are a number of things you can do, positioning is best done using the Wilson grid method. You may also need to play with tweeter rake angle sometimes if the tweeter is off axiss when you are sitting it can cause the speakers to sound bright.... 
Really worth changing Rogue Apollos for VTL Siegfried 2?
We don’t sell either brand, but I used to work at a store that sold both brands.Rogue amps are an excellent value but have a tendency to sound a bit on the dark side with decent but not super punchy bass.The VTL is a clearer, more neutral amp with... 
Unison Research S6 vs S9 vs Sinfonia
Dear Pani,We have the S6 on display and it is a fantastic amp, given the right speakers it is just magical. The S6 will work woinders on your speakers and will not run out of steam. The S6 drives most of our display speakers which are 86-90db surp... 
KEF Reference 207/2s, 3s, or Blade 2s
The Kef Blade is in a different league from the older 207.2 so if you are looking at a speaker for the next 20 years go find a used Blade.What is your budget anyway? 
Cambridge CXR200 vs Anthem MRX720
Dear Ethos, those are all great questions. The Cambridge receiver has been lowered to spur sales, as this unit does not have Atmos nor HDR yet, I think the management of Cambridge felt that lowering the price would make the CX 200 go from a good d... 
KEF LS50... The ultimate anal-ytical speaker for living rooms?
Chris we sell 3 of the four speakers mentioned here.We do sell the KEF LS 50 we sell the Athom and we sell the ATC'sEach has its own strenths, the Athoms are really amazing and are better than the LS 50, but the Athoms are also way more expensive.... 
To Wilson Maxx I, I or IIII owners, or any Wilson speaker owners
Handymann, The issue with Wilsons disappering or not or any speaker disappearing or not has as much to do with preserving time and phase differences through the electronics.Krell amplifiers tend to sound flat, clean but flat. Good bass and plenty ... 
speaker recommendation
You would be hard pressed to find a better speaker than an ATC SCM 19 they are compact but good sized monitors.The amazing thing about the ATC is that they have exactly what a rock or jazz guy craves they sound emotional and dynamic. The midbass i... 
Cambridge CXR200 vs Anthem MRX720
We sell both brands here is the skinny between them;The Cambride CX 200 has an unbelieveable amp stage  sonically it is clearer and more dynamic then the Anthem. The punch bass control and overall clarity is extremely impressive. This receiver was... 
Wonderful visit and 5-star customer service at Audio Doctor in Jersey City, NJ!
Thanks Austinbob, yes the internet is killing the joy of shopping.There was nothing cooler then spending time at your favorite book, record, audio store, gallery ect.Yes click and ordering is efficient, but alas I feel an entire generation is goin... 
Wonderful visit and 5-star customer service at Audio Doctor in Jersey City, NJ!
To everyone reading this post, I must appologize for getting heated, one one should be attacked on Audiogon for having an opinion or advocating a product. What some of your has said is wonderful and very supportive. I have tried building one of th... 
Wonderful visit and 5-star customer service at Audio Doctor in Jersey City, NJ!
Gpgr4lblu,So lets get the record staight, the reason you don't like me, isn't about my knoweledge, ability to construct great sounding systems, or finding great products it is about talking too much and presenting during an audition while other pr... 
Wonderful visit and 5-star customer service at Audio Doctor in Jersey City, NJ!
To Cleeds and Shadorne, THANK YOU! As per PH2 allready thanked him, he is a great guy and a delightful person.Obviously my last rant was directed as Grp4blu,What is totally distasteful is the man is biased not about what we say but he doesn’t like...